
It's a AxiDraw robot, but we believe it's also an new basic element of MTM that can expand the diversity of the 「MTM world (or series)」
发现问题:(Idea & Design )
我们很喜欢MTM的Idea,用一个基本元素来复制和生成多种机器,随着维度的增加,还有不同创意的加入,可以搭建出很多有趣和复杂的机器。 这很像是4个碱基在DNA里的不同编码,演化出多种多样生命的过程。
We do like MTM Idea,
A most basic elements, copy itself and generate a variety of machines. With the increase in dimensions, and different creative ideas, you can build a lot of interesting and complex machines.
This is much like 4 bases,AGCT(U),different encoding in the DNA and it evolved a variety of life processes.
The basic composition of the MTM is stepper motor, like this:

如果顺着DNA和生命方向继续思考,这样一个单一基本元素衍生出来的System or Machines 会不会太单一了?这让我想到了自我复制的单细胞生物。
而DNA是由 AGCT(U)四种碱基排列组合而成的
组成digital world的基本元素是0和1
So If we continue to think divergently along the direction of DNA and life.Does those machine or system derived from this ONE single basic element limit itself?
A self-replicating unicellular organism up in my mind.
DNA is composed of AGCT(U) four bases
The basic elements that build the whole digital world are 0 and 1
LEGO also has many different basic modules
Following this line of thinking, we make assumptions:
Maybe we can expand the diversity of the 「MTM world (or series)」 by adding an other basic element or by creating a few basic elements.
I think this may be the key and I’ve been pondering this picture for a long time.

至此,我们计划设计一系列以2个 步进电机为一个单元的MTM乐高积木,如图:
At this point, we plan to design a series of MTM Lego blocks with 2 stepper motors as a unit, as shown in the figure:

The time was tight, so we finally chose only the No. 2 basic unit because it placed two stepper motors XY on the same plane.
我们在instructable.com上发现了这个人做的类似结构的机器- 4xiDraw,一套思路清晰结构优雅的写字机器人,于是我们决定在此基础上做个类似的写字机器人出来。
We found a similar structure machine that this man, Misan make on instructable.com -- 4XIDRAW A writing robot with an elegant structure. So we decided to build a similar robot basis on that.

电路硬件 Hardware

Before inserting the CNCShield over the Arduino we do this trick, that allow to power everything from the Arduino power jack.
About the structural part of the machine, my classmates worked on the structure and hardware of the our AxiDraw robot, and realized the parts by using laser_cutter and 3D printer.
In order to find a goo screw, we removed an old 3D printer.
In addition, after testing and several assembly attempts, taking into account the structural strength and deformation issues
We replaced the originally selected 3mm wood board with 5mm thick acrylic.
We also added a metal frame to the bottom of the machine to increase the structural strength of the entire machine.
Load Arduino Firmware 烧写固件
按照描述,我先从Github上下载了 grbl-servo-master
Follow the blog, we downloaded the「grbl-servo-master」from Github first

按照Compiling Grbl的步骤一步一步安装。
我用的是mac 系统,由于驱动的问题,一开始给Arduino uno 烧写的并不成功,总是查不到端口。最后发现,原来是因为我的电脑没有安装 CH340G / CH341G Serial
Follow the steps of Compiling Grbl and install it step by step.
I am using Mac, due to driver problems, the Arduino uno always couldn't find the port.
It was because my computer didn't have CH340G / CH341G Serial installed.
I finally solved the problem with reference to these 2 articles:
1.How To Use Cheap Chinese Arduinos That Come With With CH340G / CH341G Serial/USB Chip (Windows & Mac OS-X)

控制软件 Software controller
we found two types of programs use in our computer at first,
one for creating the code for a given graphical design. And second program to send the code just created so the plotter will draw it on paper.
But in the end we chose a "4xiDraw" plugin of Inkscape that will take care of both drawing and gcode. By Torsten Martinsen so no need for UniversalSerialGCodeSender nor for another plugin this way. You can get his plugin here: https://github.com/bullestock/4xidraw
First Try
We install Misan's laser-gcode-exporter-inkscape-plugin for creating the code for a given graphical design
and UniversalSerialGCodeSender to send the Gcode to the plotter

Than we setup our GRBL-Settings by Arduino's Serial Monitor like this

Loading the image

but didn't work.
Second Try
We found another open source control by learning and searching.
4xidraw Control Extension By Torsten Martinsen.
The 4xiDraw Extensions for Inkscape - Software to drive the 4xiDraw drawing machine. And it's based on the AxiDraw inkscape plugin
So we follow the Axidraw Software Installation and Install the AxiDraw too.

In the end adjust the position of the pen we open our logo_svg files in Inkscape, chose the 4xiDraw control and apply, Done!
