What is truly a waste of your personal time?
Watching TV. I stopped watching television in 2007. I was a couch potato and would watch it for up to 8 hours per day.
看电视。我在2007年就不再看电视了,我曾花费不少时间去看电视,一天高达8小时。 -
Being in a relationship with someone so that you're not bored or lonely. Self-explanatory.
为了不感到无聊以及孤独,去迎合某些人。这很明显,不用解释你就懂(不言自明)。 -
Trying to solve everyone's problems.
尝试去解决所有人的问题。 -
Trying to win very conversation that you have with people.
试图在与所有人的交谈中赢得胜利。 -
Doing something just because it allegedly makes your mother, father, grandparents, aunt, uncle, cousin or siblings happy. But you hate it and it makes you feel miserable.
做一些据说会让你所有的亲戚开心的事情,尽管你无比厌恶这些事,及这些事让你感到很痛苦。 -
Being the person people can call and keep on the phone for hours talking about absolutely nothing.
成为一个每个人都可以找你煲电话粥的人,尽管你花费不少时间和别人,却什么重要事情都没说。 -
Trying to change something about yourself that cannot be changed.
尝试去改变自己无法改变的事情。 -
Constantly complaining about something that you could have already changed.
不断的去抱怨一些你已经做过的事情。 -
Creating fake problems so that you don't have to deal with your real problems.
弄出一个假的问题,这样你就不用着手去解决你真正的问题了。 -
Trying to make someone love you when they are not interested in you.
翻译自:quora.com What-is-truly-a-waste-of-your-personal-time
