
作者: 果大喵喵 | 来源:发表于2018-12-02 04:13 被阅读4次

#Cognitive Miser (敢不敢拒绝认知盲维)

why we are so wrong.

1. Many of us who seldom reason at all, just think and act as others around us: parents, friends, the clergy, "experts"- as we usually call them, or anyone else we admire and respect. We want to avoid the difficulty that accompanies thinking for ourselves.

2. Sometimes we do another way around: we are determined to let passion rather than reason govern our lives. We are so easily influenced by reasoning that supports our prejudices.

3. We true sincerely follow reasons, but lack sound, overall good sense, and so do not look at all sides of an issue. We tend to talk with one type of person, read only one type of book,

and so, are exposed to only one viewpoint.

"We choose to live in a 'half blind' world."

- John Locke

Addition to Locke, there are also those who of us never bother to reexamine an opinion once it has been formed. These are often the most error prone of all, for they forfeit all opportunity to correct mistaken opinions when new evidence arises.

Do you dare to disobey your strong self? Are you able to discard your own opinion?

If we can be more honesty to us, we can add more types in the list. This is not to critisize but more to examine-reexamine ourselves.

- Achievement Massive_Katti


Under the line is don't forget to laugh. And if you do when you are alone, I gonna help thee to be happy again..



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