I went home and tried to shake it off(摆脱[烦恼]),but I kept wondering. Should I have gone up the tree with her? Would it have done any good?
I thought about calling Juli to tell her I was sorry they'd cut it down,but I didn't. It would've been too,I don't know,weird(不可思议的).
She didn't show at the bus stop the next morning and didn't ride the bus home that afternoon,either.
Then that night, right before dinner,my gradefather summoned(召唤,呼唤) me into the front room. He didn't call to me as I was walking by---that would have bordered on frindeliness.What he did was talk to my monther,who talked to me."I don't know what it's about,honey" she said. "Maybe he's just ready to get to know you a litter better."
Great.The man's had a year and a half to get acquainted(使熟练), and he chooses now to get to know me. But I couldn't exactly blow him off(把...甩掉).
My grandfater's a big man with a meaty nose(厚鼻梁) and greased-back salt-and-pepper hair. He lives in house slippers(拖鞋) and a sports coat(外套,上衣), and I've never seen a whisker on him. They grow,but he shaves them off like three times a day. It's a real recreational(娱乐的,消遣的) activity for him.
Besides his meaty nose, he's alse got big meaty hands. I suppose you'd notice his hands regardless(不管怎样,无论如何),but what makes you realize(注意,了解) just how beefy(结实,牛肉似的) they are is his wedding ring(婚戒). That thing's never going to come off(举行; 表现;), and even though my mother says that's how it should be, I think he ought to(理应) get it cut off.Another few pounds(重击声) and that ring's going to amputate(割断,切断) his finger.
When I went in to see him, those big hands of his were woven(包扎起来) together,resting on the newspaper in his lap(膝盖). I said,"Granddaa?You wanted to see me?"
"Have a seat,som."
Son?Half the time he didn't seem to know who I was, and now suddenly I was "son"? I sat in the chair opposite him and waited.
"Tell me about your friend Juli Baker."
"Juli?She's not exactly my friend...!"
"Why is that?" he asked. Calmly.Like he had prior(优先的; 占先的; 在…之前;) knowledge.
I started to justify it , then stopped myself and asked,"Why do you want to know?"
He opened the paper and pressed down the crease(折痕; 皱褶),and that's when I realized that Juli Baker had made the front page of the Mayfield Times. There was a huge picture of her on the tree,surrounded(被…环绕着的) by a fire brigade(旅,把…编成队) and policemen,and then some smaller photos I couldn't make out very well."Can I see that?"
He folded it up((把…) 折叠起来) but didn't hand it over(交给)."Why isn't she your friend,Bryce?"
"Because she's..." I shook my head and said,"You'd have to know Juli."
"I'd like to."
"Because the girl's got an iron backbone(有骨气,坚毅的).Why don't you invite her over sometime?"
"And iron backbone?Granddad,you don't understand! That girl is a royal pain. She's a show-off(炫耀; 卖弄), she's a know-it-all(假装或自称无所不知的人), and she is pushy beyond belief!"
"Is that so."
"Yes! That's absolutely so! And she's been stalking me since the second grade!"