I didn't like the implication. And even though my dad had been tossing me the same sort of look all week, I could tell---he didn't like this girl either. "Hey! Don't do that." he warned her. "There are some really valuable things in that box."
"Oh. Well, how about this one?" She scoots over to a box labeled LENOX and looks my way again. "We should push it together!"
"No,no,no!" my dad says, then pulls her up by the arm. "Why don't you run along home? Your mother's probably wondering where you are."
This was the beginning of my soon-to-become-acute awareness that the girl cannot take a hint. Of any kind. Does she zip on home like a kid should when they've been invited to leave? No. She says, "Oh, my mom knows where i am. She said it was fine." Then she points across the street and says,"We just live right over there."
My father looks to where she's pointing and mutters, "Oh boy." Then he looks at me and winks as he says, "Bryce, isn't it time for you to go inside and help your mother?"
I knew right off that this was a ditch play. And i didn't think about it until later, but ditch wasn't a play I'd run with my dad before. Face it, pulling a ditch is not something discussed with dads. It's like, against parental law to tell your kid it's okay to ditch someone, no matter how annoying or muddy they might be.(理解大意:父亲给我支了个招让我摆脱朱莉的纠缠,我立马会意,并毫不犹豫的跑到父亲跟前,仰头看着他,我很疑惑,父亲并没有和我说过这个事情,但是他给我的感觉就是无论我现在有多烦多脏,马上就可以走。)
But there he was, putting the play in motion. and man, he didn't have to wink twice. I smiled and said, " Sure thing!" then jumped off the liftgate and headed for my new front door.
implication 含蓄
even though 尽管
toss 把头甩过来
scoot 溜走
label 标记
awareness 察觉
hint 暗示
mutter 轻声细语;小声咕哝
wink 使眼色
right off 毫不犹豫
ditch 摆脱
motion 打手势
liftgate 提升式门(旅行车的后门)