【译】Android 6.0接口变化(二)(Android 6.

作者: 小强子同学 | 来源:发表于2016-08-15 10:25 被阅读567次



    9、浏览器书签:Browser Bookmark Changes
    10、APP签名:Android Keystore Changes
    11、WIFI和网络:Wi-Fi and Networking Changes
    12、相机服务:Camera Service Changes
    14、APK校验:APK Validation
    15、USB连接:USB Connection
    16、Android企业版变化:Android for Work Changes



    This release removes support for global bookmarks. The android.provider.Browser.getAllBookmarks()
    methods are now removed. Likewise, the READ_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS
    permissions are removed. If your app targets Android 6.0 (API level 23) or higher, don't access bookmarks from the global provider or use the bookmark permissions. Instead, your app should store bookmarks data internally.

    和 android.provider.Browser.saveBookmark()方法现在已经移除了。同样的,READ_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS


    With this release, the Android Keystore provider no longer supports DSA. ECDSA is still supported.
    Keys which do not require encryption at rest will no longer be deleted when secure lock screen is disabled or reset (for example, by the user or a Device Administrator). Keys which require encryption at rest will be deleted during these events.

    这个发布版本 Android Keystore provider已经不再支持DSA了,但ECDSA还被支持。

    11、Wi-Fi and Networking Changes

    This release introduces the following behavior changes to the Wi-Fi and networking APIs.

    10、Camera Service Changes

    In This release, the model for accessing shared resources in the camera service has been changed from the previous “first come, first serve” access model to an access model where high-priority processes are favored. Changes to the service behavior include:

    • Access to camera subsystem resources, including opening and configuring a camera device, is awarded based on the “priority” of the client application process. Application processes with user-visible or foreground activities are generally given a higher-priority, making camera resource acquisition and use more dependable.
    • Active camera clients for lower priority apps may be “evicted” when a higher priority application attempts to use the camera. In the deprecatedCamera
      API, this results in [onError()](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/Camera.ErrorCallback.html#onError(int, android.hardware.Camera))
      being called for the evicted client. In the Camera2
      API, it results in onDisconnected()
      being called for the evicted client.
      正在活动的低优先级程序可能被尝试使用相机的高优先级程序剥夺。在遗弃的Camera API中,可能会调用onError()通知被剥夺的APP。在Camera2 API中,会调用 onDisconnected() 通知被剥夺的APP。
    • On devices with appropriate camera hardware, separate application processes are able to independently open and use separate camera devices simultaneously. However, multi-process use cases, where simultaneous access causes significant degradation of performance or capabilities of any of the open camera devices, are now detected and disallowed by the camera service. This change may result in “evictions” for lower priority clients even when no other app is directly attempting to access the same camera device.
    • Changing the current user causes active camera clients in apps owned by the previous user account to be evicted. Access to the camera is limited to user profiles owned by the current device user. In practice, this means that a “Guest” account, for example, will not be able to leave running processes that use the camera subsystem when the user has switched to a different account.



        本文标题:【译】Android 6.0接口变化(二)(Android 6.
