16《Owl Babies》-廖彩杏书单

16《Owl Babies》-廖彩杏书单

作者: 伊奇通达_Sunny申 | 来源:发表于2018-10-28 23:45 被阅读13次

    《Owl Babies》

    Once there were three baby owls: Sarah and Percy and Bill.

    They lived in a hole in the trunk of a tree with their Owl Mother.

    The hole had twigs and leaves and owl feathers in it.

    It was their house.

    One night they woke up and their Owl Mother was gone.

    "Where's Mummy?" asked Sarah.

    "Oh my goodness!" said Percy.

    "I want my mummy!" said Bill.

    The baby owls thought (all owls think a lot)-

    "I think she's gone hunting." said Sarah.

    "To get us our food!"said Percy.

    "I want my mummy!" said Bill.

    But their Owl Mother didn't come.

    The baby owls came out of their house and they sat on the tree and waited.

    A big branch for Sarah, a small branch for Percy, and an old bit of ivy for Bill.

    "She'll be back." said Sarah.

    "Back soon!"said Percy.

    "I want my mummy!" said Bill.

    It was dark in the wood and they had to be brave, for things moved all around them.

    "She'll bring us mice and things that are nice." said Sarah.

    "I suppose so!"said Percy.

    "I want my mummy!" said Bill.

    They sat and they thought (all owls think a lot)-

    "I think we should all sit on my branch." said Sarah.

    And they did, all three together.

    "Suppose she got lost." said Sarah.

    "Or a fox got her!"said Percy.

    "I want my mummy!" said Bill.

    And the baby owls closed their owl eyes and wished their owl mother would come.

    And she came.

    Soft and silent, she swooped through the trees to Sarah and Percy and Bill.

    "Mummy!" they cried, and they flapped and they danced, and they bounced up and down on their branch.

    "What's all the fuss?" their owl mother asked. "You knew i'd come back."

    The baby owls thought (all owls think a lot)-

    "I knew it." said Sarah.

    "And i knew it!"said Percy.

    "I love my mummy!" said Bill.

    (On a tree in the woods, three baby owls, Sarah and Percy and Bill, sit and think and wait for their Owl Mother to come home.)


     英  [fʌs]  美  [fʌs]

    vi. 小题大作;忙乱;焦燥;焦急;无事自扰

    n. 大惊小怪,大惊小怪的人;小题大作;忙乱

    vt. 使烦恼,使烦忧

    n. (Fuss)人名;(匈)富什;(法)菲斯


     英  [swuːp]  美  [swup]

    vi. 猛扑;突然袭击;突然下降;飞扑

    n. 猛扑;俯冲;突然袭击

    vt. 攫取;抓起


     英  ['aɪvɪ]  美  ['aɪvi]

    adj. 常春藤联盟的

    n. 常春藤

    n. (Ivy)人名;(英)艾维,艾薇(女名)


     英  ['gʊdnɪs]  美  [ˈgʊdnɪs]

    int. 天哪

    n. 善良,优秀 ;精华,养分


     英  [twɪg]  美  [twɪɡ]

    vi. 理解

    vt. 理解

    n. 小枝;嫩枝;末梢


     英  [trʌŋk]  美  [trʌŋk]

    n. 树干;躯干;象鼻;汽车车尾的行李箱

    vt. 把…放入旅行箱内

    adj. 干线的;躯干的;箱子的

    n. (Trunk)人名;(德、匈、西)特伦克


     英  ['sɛərə]  美  ['sɛrə]

    n. 萨拉(《圣经》中的人物);莎拉(女子名)


     英  ['pɜ:sɪ]  美  ['pɝsi]

    n. 珀西(男子名)



          本文标题:16《Owl Babies》-廖彩杏书单
