The inner sensitivity of a child

作者: 林木南 | 来源:发表于2020-05-03 22:16 被阅读0次

    The beginning of 2020 is such dramatic, many people can not go to work, and many children can not go to school. My nephew has stayed in home for more than 3 month, nearly every day he just stays in home and doesn't go outside for a rest or exercise. So in the 3 month he has increased the weight, not overweight, just fatter than before. The first sentence would be "Oh, my god, you are fatter than before" when everyone sees him. But gradually I have found that he is very sensitive in this topic. Because he always say that he doesn't want to get fat, he wants to lose weight, and today he told me that he is very fretting because of his failure of losing weight. I said to him that he is not fat, his weight is just in the normal level, and he don't need to lose weight, just keeping in doing exercises like before.

    I think that many adult do not focus on the inner thought of a child, In fact, children are so sensitive when they are in adolescence. When I was in adolescence I also didn't want others to talk about my weight, but no one knew what I really thought at that time, so I went on the wrong way for diet, and nobody stopped me. My disordered eating habits lasted for more than 10 years, and I had a stomachache also for more than 10 years, until last year my stomach was getting better and better because of my habit of doing yoga for many years. When I told my parents about this, they still don't understand, they still not realize what did they miss when I was a child. I never blame them, I think maybe their parents did also not focus on their inner world when they was young, so they still take that for granted.

    I have the same experience, so I understand what my nephew think, and I don't want him to get hurt by dieting like I did. Sometimes children do not have the ability to distinguish right from wrong, so they need the guidance of the adult. Good guidance will bring benefits to children as well as wrong guidance will do harm for them. So the adults shoul have the positive attitude and the right method to guide children to grow up healthily.



        本文标题:The inner sensitivity of a child
