

作者: 躺柒 | 来源:发表于2023-07-18 05:36 被阅读0次

    1. 对于复杂的数值计算而言,SQL 并非首选工具

    2. 求和

    2.1. SUM函数会忽略Null,但是我们可能会遇到Null分组

    2.2. sql

    select deptno, comm
      from emp
     where deptno in (10,30)
     order by 1
       DEPTNO       COMM
    ---------- ----------
            30        300
            30        500
            30          0
            30       1300
    select sum(comm)
      from emp
    select deptno, sum(comm)
      from emp
     where deptno in (10,30)
     group by deptno
    ---------- ----------
            30       2100

    3. 行数

    3.1. COUNT函数会忽略Null

    3.2. 使用符号*或者常量参数的时候,就会包含Null

    4. 累计求和

    4.1. DB2

    4.2. Oracle

    4.3. 使用SUM函数的窗口函数版本进行累计求和

    select ename, sal,
            sum(sal) over (order by sal,empno) as running_total
       from emp
       order by 2
    ---------- ---------- -------------
    SMITH             800           800
    JAMES             950          1750
    ADAMS            1100          2850
    WARD             1250          4100
    MARTIN           1250          5350
    MILLER           1300          6650
    TURNER           1500          8150
    ALLEN            1600          9750
    CLARK            2450         12200
    BLAKE            2850         15050
    JONES            2975         18025
    SCOTT            3000         21025
    FORD             3000         24025
    KING             5000         29025

    4.4. PostgreSQL

    4.5. MySQL

    4.6. SQL Server

    4.7. 使用标量子查询来进行累计求和

    select e.ename, e.sal,
            (select sum(d.sal) from emp d
              where d.empno <= e.empno) as running_total
       from emp e
      order by 3
    ---------- ---------- -------------
    SMITH             800           800
    ALLEN            1600          2400
    WARD             1250          3650
    JONES            2975          6625
    MARTIN           1250          7875
    BLAKE            2850         10725
    CLARK            2450         13175
    SCOTT            3000         16175
    KING             5000         21175
    TURNER           1500         22675
    ADAMS            1100         23775
    JAMES             950         24725
    FORD             3000         27725
    MILLER           1300         29025

    5. 累计乘积

    5.1. DB2

    5.2. Oracle

    5.3. 使用窗口函数SUM OVER,并利用对数来模拟乘法

    select empno,ename,sal,
            exp(sum(ln(sal))over(order by sal,empno)) as running_prod
       from emp
      where deptno = 10
    ----- ---------- ---- --------------------
     7934 MILLER     1300                 1300
     7782 CLARK      2450              3185000
     7839 KING       5000          15925000000

    5.4. PostgreSQL

    5.5. MySQL

    5.6. SQL Server

    5.7. 标量子查询

    select e.empno,e.ename,e.sal,
             (select exp(sum(ln(d.sal)))
                from emp d
               where d.empno <= e.empno
                 and e.deptno=d.deptno) as running_prod
       from emp e
       where e.deptno=10
    ----- ---------- ---- --------------------
     7782 CLARK      2450                 2450
     7839 KING       5000             12250000
     7934 MILLER     1300          15925000000

    5.7.2. 对于SQL Server而言,还需要用LOG函数来替代LN函数

    6. 累计差

    6.1. DB2

    6.2. Oracle

    6.3. 使用窗口函数SUM OVER

    select ename,sal,
             sum(case when rn = 1 then sal else -sal end)
             over(order by sal,empno) as running_diff
        from (
      select empno,ename,sal,
             row_number() over(order by sal,empno) as rn
        from emp
       where deptno = 10
              ) x

    6.4. PostgreSQL

    6.5. MySQL

    6.6. SQL Server

    6.7. 使用标量子查询

    select a.empno, a.ename, a.sal,
            (select case when a.empno = min(b.empno) then sum(b.sal)
                         else sum(-b.sal)
               from emp b
              where b.empno <= a.empno
                and b.deptno = a.deptno ) as rnk
       from emp a
      where a.deptno = 10

    7. 众数

    7.1. 在一组数据里出现次数最多的那个数

    7.2. DB2

    7.3. SQL Server

    7.4. 使用窗口函数DENSE_RANK

    select sal
        from (
      select sal,
             dense_rank() over(order by cnt desc) as rnk
        from (
      select sal, count(*) as cnt
        from emp
       where deptno = 20
       group by sal
             ) x
             ) y
       where rnk = 1

    7.5. Oracle

    select max(sal)
              keep(dense_rank first order by cnt desc) sal
        from (
      select sal, count(*) cnt
        from emp
       where deptno=20
       group by sal

    7.6. PostgreSQL

    7.7. MySQL

    7.8. 使用子查询

    select sal
        from emp
       where deptno = 20
       group by sal
      having count(*) >= all ( select count(*)
                                 from emp
                                where deptno = 20
                                group by sal )

    8. 中位数

    8.1. 按顺序排列的一组数据中居于中间位置的数

    8.2. DB2

    'select avg(sal)
        from (
      select sal,
             count(*) over() total,
             cast(count(*) over() as decimal)/2 mid,
             ceil(cast(count(*) over() as decimal)/2) next,
             row_number() over (order by sal) rn
        from emp
       where deptno = 20
             ) x
       where ( mod(total,2) = 0
               and rn in ( mid, mid+1 )
          or ( mod(total,2) = 1
               and rn = next

    8.2.2. DB2则使用MOD函数

    8.3. SQL Server

    select avg(sal)
        from (
      select sal,
             count(*) over() total,
             cast(count(*) over() as decimal)/2 mid,
             ceiling(cast(count(*)over() as decimal)/2) next,
             row_number() over(order by sal) rn
        from emp
       where deptno = 20
             ) x
       where ( total%2 = 0
               and rn in ( mid, mid+1 )
          or ( total%2 = 1
               and rn = next

    8.3.2. SQL Server的取模运算符是%

    8.4. Oracle

    select median(sal)
      from emp
     where deptno=20
 Oracle Database 10g

    select percentile_cont(0.5)
            within group(order by sal)
      from emp
     where deptno=20
 Oracle 9i

    8.5. PostgreSQL

    8.6. MySQL

    8.7. 使用自连接查询

    select avg(sal)
        from (
      select e.sal
        from emp e, emp d
       where e.deptno = d.deptno
         and e.deptno = 20
       group by e.sal
      having sum(case when e.sal = d.sal then 1 else 0 end)
                                >= abs(sum(sign(e.sal - d.sal)))

    9. 百分比

    9.1. 某一列的值占总和的百分比

    9.2. DB2

    9.3. Oracle

    9.4. SQL Server

    9.5. sql

    select distinct (d10/total)*100 as pct
       from (
     select deptno,
            sum(sal)over() total,
            sum(sal)over(partition by deptno) d10
       from emp
            ) x
      where deptno=10

    9.6. MySQL

    9.7. PostgreSQL

    9.8. sql

    select (sum(
              case when deptno = 10 then sal end)/sum(sal)
             )*100 as pct
       from emp

    10. 聚合Null列

    10.1. 使用聚合函数时一定要记住,Null值会被忽略

    10.2. 一旦涉及聚合运算,就要相应地考虑如何处理Null值

    select avg(coalesce(comm,0)) as avg_comm
        from emp
       where deptno=30

    11. 计算平均值时去掉最大值和最小值

    11.1. DB2

    11.2. Oracle

    11.3. SQL Server

    11.4. 窗口函数MAX OVER和MIN OVER

    select avg(sal)
        from (
      select sal, min(sal) over()min_sal, max(sal)over() max_sal
        from emp
             ) x
       where sal not in (min_sal,max_sal)

    11.5. PostgreSQL

    11.6. MySQL

    11.7. 使用子查询去掉最大值和最小值

    select avg(sal)
        from emp
       where sal not in (
          (select min(sal) from emp),
          (select max(sal) from emp)

    11.7.2. 如果希望只去掉一个最大值和一个最小值,只需要把它们从合计值里先减掉,再做除法即可

    select (sum(sal)-min(sal)-max(sal))/(count(*)-2)
      from emp

    12. 修改累计值

    12.1. 示例

    create view V (id,amt,trx)
    select 1, 100, 'PR' from t1 union all
    select 2, 100, 'PR' from t1 union all
    select 3, 50,  'PY' from t1 union all
    select 4, 100, 'PR' from t1 union all
    select 5, 200, 'PY' from t1 union all
    select 6, 50,  'PY' from t1
    select * from V
    ID        AMT TRX
    -- ---------- ---
     1        100  PR
     2        100  PR
     3         50  PY
     4        100  PR
     5        200  PY
     6         50  PY

    12.2. DB2

    12.3. Oracle

    12.4. 使用窗口函数SUM OVER进行累计求和

    select case when trx = 'PY'
                  then 'PAYMENT'
                  else 'PURCHASE'
              end trx_type,
               case when trx = 'PY'
                  then -amt else amt
             ) over (order by id,amt) as balance
        from V

    12.4.2. 使用CASE表达式来决定交易的类型

    12.5. PostgreSQL

    12.6. MySQL

    12.7. SQL Server

    12.8. 使用标量子查询进行累计求和

    select case when v1.trx = 'PY'
                  then 'PAYMENT'
                  else 'PURCHASE'
              end as trx_type,
              (select sum(
                       case when v2.trx = 'PY'
                            then -v2.amt else v2.amt
                from V v2
               where v2.id <= v1.id) as balance
       from V v1

    12.8.2. 使用CASE表达式来决定交易的类型



