Raymond 教练12月22-23日训练总结

Raymond 教练12月22-23日训练总结

作者: Raymond雷曼德 | 来源:发表于2018-12-26 20:04 被阅读0次
ball controler with ball hunterRaymond 教练12月22-23日训练总结

This weekend of December 22nd  and  23rd  for  the class of 10:30 to 12:30am, I had about 10 kids from the age category of 10年 team D. The weather cold with high level of wind. 

Topic:  Individual possession and shooting

1. Warm up

Content 1 (10min)

Ball controls were free but amazing

Within a square pitch of 20 x 20m, it is a fun game consisting of escaping the chosen hunter player and long as possible, the winners are those who manage to escape the hunter within 2minutes, this game have a purpose of body warm up, coordination of quick direction changes, and keep the eye to any danger in game.

Content 2.  Keep the ball in play as long as possible (20min)

Escaping players and hunter players with bips

Same as in content 1, but with the use of ball, players and hunter must dribble theiy balls and once a hunter’s ball manage to touch the escaping player’s ball, this one also became the hunter, the game when inside the pitch, there are 3 players who didn’t get touched, which make them to be the winners, 5 repetitions have been made.

2. Technical drills: Shooting

Shooting after quick run up with ball control

Content 1 (10min)

Dribble forward the ball with quick one step control and finish by shooting inside the goal protected by a goalkeeper

Content 2 (10min)

Same drill as in previous content, but here we add a last outside foot step control to set the ball in one own comfortable place (right side for right footer player & left side for left footed player in order to optimize the scoring opportunities.

3. Match

Raymond 教练12月22-23日训练总结

They played 5 v5 where each team must appoint 2 defenders and change them every 3minutes, the defenders were not allowed to stay inside their own goal, nor to cross their own half ground, with the purpose of introducing the way of playing according to position, and avoid that issue of beginners player of getting together and follow the ball. The game was amazing  and improvements were noticed.

Best players of the day, MVP in middle


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      本文标题:Raymond 教练12月22-23日训练总结
