Raymond 3月16~17日训练总结

Raymond 3月16~17日训练总结

作者: Raymond雷曼德 | 来源:发表于2019-03-20 20:38 被阅读0次
10年D队班 二和三年级小学班B队

This weekend of March 16th  and  17th, I had a class at 8:30 and at 10:30, the kids from Primary school were back from holidays. For the first class I had around 10 kids and for the 2nd class I had I had about 14 kids on Saturday and on Sunday respectively from the age category of 10年 team D. The weather was good.


Make escaping move by using outside foot in ballcontrol

1.Warm up

Content 1 (5 min)

Ball juggling using one foot (Right) and the (left), both feet (Right – left), knee (Right – Left)

Content 2. (15min)

Eescaping without ball Escaping without ball

A fun game where 2 kids, one is an attacking player, another is a defender player, they meet in the middle and the attacking player use body gesture, and speed to escape the defender where he must cross one of the 2 goals located in the defender side without being touched by the defender.

2.Technical drills: (20min


Content 1.

With inside foot

2 kids in group stand I one small goal, each group use one ball, the drill is to drill the ball toward the big cone and use inside foot to round it the pass the ball to his groupmate.

Content 2.

With outside foot

Same exercise like in content 1, but here it is a must to use external foot to round the big cone the pass the ball again to the groupmate, he the pass and reception were emphazed on. 

3.Match (40min)

8:30的班 10:30的班

We used 2 small sided pitches, we played 4 v 4, and 3 v 3, here more should be done in strengthening 1 v1 skills as well as passing. 

Strength and cooling down



      本文标题:Raymond 3月16~17日训练总结
