

作者: 广阔校园 | 来源:发表于2019-04-20 12:10 被阅读0次







Before I get hanged for apostasy, let me explain. The list is about books thatchanged my lifeand this one absolutely did. I pulled this off my father’s shelf and read it in high school, and it kicked off a lifelong interest in investments, business, and the magic of compound interest. That eventually led me to find Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger, affecting the path of my life considerably.



Learning about Warren Buffett took the kid who liked “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” and watchedThe Apprentice, and might have been on a path to highly leveraged real estate speculation and who knows what else, and put him on a more sound path. I read this biography many times in college, and decided I wanted to emulate some of Buffett’s qualities. Although I have a business degree, I learned a lot more from reading and applying the collected Letters to Shareholders.



The Almanack isthe greatest book I have ever read, and I knew it from the first time I read it. As Charlie says in the book, there is no going back from the multi-disciplinary approach. It would feel like cutting off your hands. I re-read this book every year in whole or in part, and so far, 8 years on, I haven’t failed to pick up a meaningful new insight. Like any great book, it grows as you grow. I like to think I understand about 40% of it on a deep level now, and I hope to add a few percent every year. I literally cannot conceive of a world in which I didn’t read this.



This book affected my thinking considerably. I noticed in the Almanack that Munger recommended this book and another, No Two Alike, towards the end. Once I read it, I could see why. It is amonumentto clear and careful thinking. Munger calls the author Judith Rich Harris a combination of Darwin and Sherlock Holmes, and he’s right. If this book doesn’t change how you think about parenting, social development, peer pressure, education, and a number of other topics, then re-read it.



Like The Nurture Assumption, these two books are brilliantly well thought-through. It wasn’t until years after I read them that I realized Garrett Hardin was friends with, and in fact funded by, Charlie Munger. The ideas about overpopulation in Living within Limits made a deep impression on me, but the quality of thought in general hit me the hardest. Like the Almanack, it made me want to become a better and more careful thinker.



Who has read this and not been affected by it? Like many, Nassim’s books changed how I think about the world. The ideas from The Black Swan and Fooled by Randomness about the narrative fallacy and the ludic fallacy cannot be forgotten, as well as the central idea of the book itself that rare events are not predictable and yet dominate our landscape. Also, Nassim’s writing style made me realize deep, practical writing didn’t have to be dry and sanitized. Like him or not, he wears his soul on his sleeve.



I’ve been interested in nutrition since I was young, and these books made me realize most of what I knew was not very accurate. Gary Taubes is a scientific journalist of the highest order. Like Hardin, Munger, and Harris, he thinks much more carefully than most of his peers. Nutrition is a field that is still sort of growing up, and the quality of the research and thought shows it. Taubes made me recognize that nutrition can be a real science if it’s done more carefully, more Feynman-like. Hopefully his NuSi initiative will help shove the field in the right direction.



This book by Ariely was a game-changer in that it helped me realize the extent to which we rationalize our behavior in a million little ways. I had a lot of nights thinking about my own propensity for dishonesty and cheating after I read this one. I had never considered howsituationaldishonesty was, but now that I do, I see it constantly in myself and others. There are also good sections on incentive-caused bias and social pressure that made an impact.




