

作者: 冥想音 | 来源:发表于2017-04-15 17:09 被阅读4次

Part One    讲解笔记


I. Market Forecast

II. Approach——Platform and Tools、Content、Marketing

III. Who is doing this, and by what?

IV. Economic Projections——

>Timeline——Content Prep、Marketing、Operation

>Cost Analysis

>Estimated Customer Base

>Benefit desired——External Benefit、Econmic Profit

Part Two    Composition

Business Plan For Volunteers Recruitment and Training of 2017 ITU XXX Cup Series

Statement of Mission

2017 ITU XXX Cup Series will be held in Wuhan on May 14th and 15th, whose service work is in need of excellent volunteers that cater to the positions that we provide and accept trainings on weekends.


The project will be sponsored by organization committee office, while propagandist group, liaison group and logistics group as members, as well as match affairs group and supervision group as backups. Sophie Allen, director of organization committee, will take responsibility of the whole course.


Volunteer Recruitment and Training Organization will be established on February that consists of members mentioned above. The organization will lay out a recruitment outline and a training scheme, steering the specific work of each group.

As we are going to recruit and train 30 volunteer managers from all walks of life and 500 volunteers from undergraduates in Wuhan, the implementation will be divided into two parts with a 3-month duration. 1) Volunteer managers are recruited through advertisements on our official web and local newspapers. The interviews with applicants will be hosted then and we will start basic trainings regarding the duties of volunteer managers and the rules of triathlon. Meanwhile, unqualified applicants will be eliminated by 10%, and the rest will take on formal general trainings and group training. 2) Volunteers are recruited through recommendations by administrative agencies and student unions of colleges in Wuhan, also requiring interviews. The elected volunteer managers will be in charge of their centralized group trainings. When the competition day is approaching, volunteers will recce the course map and supply areas, in order to adapt to their work environment. 

Economic Projections

The number of participants was 1,500 by January 10th, that is to say, we have attained entry fees of ¥600,000 ( ¥400 per person). The total revenues will be no less than ¥800,000 before the deadline by our forecast.

The cost is generated mostly by the time consumed and capital input.

In terms of the timeline, it will run in three phases : 30 days in preparation inside the organization, and advertising phase will span 20 days. Then it comes to the training phase, during which the trial period-primary training of applicants (volunteer managers) about 10 days, another 20 days for formal training (volunteer managers) as well as interviews with applicants (volunteers),  and centralized training and field observation during the last 30 days.

The capital input (¥132,000) comprises expense on working lunches (¥50,000), pay for volunteer managers (¥20,000), advertising fees on local newspapers ( ¥10,000), training materials (¥10,000), volunteers' T-shirts (¥5,000), traffic expense (¥2,000), site use fees (¥10,000), commissions to employees (¥25,000). Only thing to note here is that volunteers will undertake free work while volunteer managers paid work.

(碎碎念:1. 句与句之间的衔接不够自然 2. 企划案中能不能用we? 3. 各项工作的执行者需要在方案中写出来吗?)


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