

作者: 郭俊未来学院 | 来源:发表于2019-12-07 17:40 被阅读0次

    Buying a New Car1

    Paul is a very successful businessman. 

    He owns several restaurants. 

    All of them are doing well. 

    In fact, they are very profitable(有盈利的)

    To be profitable means that their income is more than their expenses. 

    As a result, he is making a lot of money.

    Paul wants to buy a new car. 

    He's trying to decide which car to buy. 

    He has plenty of money. 

    As a result, he isn’t worried about the cost. 

    He can afford an expensive car.

    On the other hand, he doesn’t want to waste money. 

    He wants a car he can rely on(信赖).

    It has to be safe and reliable(可靠的,可信赖的).

    Especially in the cold winter weather. 

    If a car breaks down in bad weather.

    It can be very dangerous.

    Buying a New Car2

    Paul wants to help reduce pollution and smog. 

    He would like to buy a clean car something good for the environment. 

    He’s thinking about buy a Tesla. 

    The Tesla is all an electric car. 

    It uses batteries instead of gasoline. 

    There's no exhaust so it doesn’t pollute the air. 

    exhaust  :  废气;排气管;使筋疲力尽;使疲惫不堪;用完;

    However, the car can't go very far without recharging the battery. 

    To charge the battery, you can plug it into an electrical outlet. 

    plug:  n. 插头;(电源)插座;转换插头 v. 堵塞;封堵;补足;补充;供给;推广;宣传

    Recharging the battery takes time.

    One of Paul’s friend has one and he’s quite happy with it. 

    He says it’s reliable and well-engineered. 

    There are also several charging stations near Paul’s office. 

    So he isn’t worry about that.

    The cost for charging the battery is low. 

    It’s less expensive than buying gasoline.

    His wife Kathy also likes the idea of buying an electric car. 

    She likes the idea of driving a clean car.

    So it makes sense.所以这是有道理的。

    In the future, there may be driverless cars(无人驾驶汽车). 

    These may be very safe but Paul doesn’t like them. 

    He enjoys driving. 

    He likes to be in control of his car.



