
作者: 鱼目逗珠 | 来源:发表于2019-02-08 10:13 被阅读1次


    Te Ching Chapter Seventy-seven

    The Tao of Nature is like stretching a bow.

    When the stretch is too high, it needs to be pressed down.

    When the stretch is too low, it needs to be raised high.

    The excess will be reduced.

    The deficient will be replenished.

    The Tao of Nature is to reduce the excessive and to replenish the insufficient.

    The Tao of man, however is otherwise.

    It takes from the needy to serve those who already have a surplus.

    Who can spare one’s surplus to serve the world?

    A person of Tao.

    Thus, a saint acts without holding on to the achievements.

    He accomplishes but does not claim for credit.

    He has no desire to distinguish himself.



