
作者: 鱼目逗珠 | 来源:发表于2019-02-04 13:18 被阅读0次


Tao Ching Chapter Ten

Can one unite the body and the spirit as one and embrace the “Oneness” without departing from the great Tao?

Can one achieve harmony with such gentleness by holding on to the true spirit within as if the innocence of an infant?

Can one free oneself from worldly knowledge and cleanse one’s mind, so that no faults shall be made?

Can a ruler love his people by governing with the natural Way without personal intention?

Can the mystic gate to all life essence be opened or closed without the virtue of the mysterious nature?

Can one gain the insight of nature and become a wise person without the effort of action?

The mysterious nature creates and nurtures all things without the desire to possess them.

It performs with all efforts without claiming for credit.

It flourishes all beings without the intention to take control of.

Such is the “Mystic Te” or “Mystic Virtue.”


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