"American Dream" Is Becoming "Chinese Dream"
1. 中国在短短几十年里,从世界上最贫穷的国家之一崛起为世界最大贸易强国和按购买力平价计算的全球第一大经济体,这在世界历史上是绝无仅有的。
In just a few decades, China has risen from one of the poorest countries on earth to the world's largest trading power and the largest economy in terms of purchasing power parity, which is unique in world history.
(parity ['pærɪti] 平价;
unique [juː'niːk] 独特的。)
2. 西方不再能独自决定游戏规则,尽管这在过去数百年中是理所当然的。
The West can no longer decide the rules of the game on its own, although this has been taken for granted over the past few hundred years.
From the 17th to the 19th century, the Europeans took the lead, and in the 20th century Americans did
However, it is now clear that the centre of global power is shifting in the direction of Asia, centred on China. The “American Dream”is becoming “Chinese Dream”.
(shift [ʃɪft] 转移。)
3. 中国无意令其他国家归附,但却谋求一种持久而遍及世界的影响力。
China has no intention of subsuming other countries ,but seeks a lasting and universal influence.
China is no longer merely the factory of the world. It is now also an innovation centre with Shenzhen's vibrant new Silicon Valley.
(intention [ɪn'tenʃən] 意图,目的;
subsume [səb'sjuːm] 把…并入;
universal [‚juːnɪ'vɜːsəl] 全世界的,普遍的;
innovation [‚ɪnə'veɪʃən] 创新;
vibrant [ˋvaɪbrənt] 富有活力的;
silicon ['sɪlɪkən] 硅。)
4. 现在,拥有顶尖技术的不再仅仅是西方,控制着最大增长市场的是中国。
Now, it is no longer just the West that has the top technology. It is China that controls the biggest growth market.
Not only have Chinese mastered technology and growth markets in the fields of electric vehicles and high-speed rail, but their global political influence has also increased significantly.
With the rapid development of digitization and artificial intelligence, China's rise should be greatly accelerated.
(vehicle ['viːɪkəl] 车辆;
significantly [sɪɡ'nɪfɪkəntli] 大大的;
digitization [,dɪdʒitai’zeiʃən] 数字化;
artificial [ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃəl] 人工的;
intelligence [ɪn'telɪdʒəns] 智能,智慧;
accelerate [əkˈseləreɪt] 加速。)
5. 一个接一个的亚洲邻国搭上了中国崛起的顺风车。中国也在非洲结交了许多新朋友。
One after another, Asian neighbors have hitched a ride on China's rise. China has also made many new friends in Africa.
While the United States is becoming less important in Asia and Africa, Europeans are largely away from world politics and are busy with their own affairs.
( hitch [hɪtʃ] 搭便车,搭顺风车。)
6. 越来越多的亚洲、拉美和非洲新兴国家乐于加入中国的倡议。
A growing number of emerging countries in Asia, Latin America and Africa are happy to join China's initiative.
China calls for greater participation in decision-making in global affairs.
China has the ability to implement its own ideas, which are often in line with those of other emerging countries.
( emerging [ɪ'mɜːdʒɪŋ] 新兴的;
initiative [ɪ'nɪʃətɪv] 倡议;
participation [pɑː‚tɪsɪ'peɪʃən] 参与
implement ['ɪmplɪment] 贯彻。)