

作者: MTI考研 | 来源:发表于2018-10-14 11:52 被阅读17次

    一周精华热词汇总(2018.10.8-2018.10.14)by 中国高翻团队

    by 中国高翻团队



    1. 准备金率  requirement reserve ratio, RRR

    定向降准 targeted RRR cut

    注入流动性 inject liquidity

    货币政策工具 monetary policy tools

    公开市场操作 open market operation, OMO

    逆回购 reverse repurchase agreement, reverse repo

    货币信贷和社会融资(monetary credit and social financing)

    中期借贷便利(medium-term lending facility, MLF)

    2. 影视行业税收  tax payment in the film and TV industry

    税务机关(taxation authorities)

    影视制作公司(film and television production companies)

    经纪公司(talent agencies)

    演艺公司(performing companies)

    明星工作室(celebrities' studios)

    自查自纠(conduct self-inspection)

    主动补缴税款(make remedial tax payments)

    《大轰炸(Unbreakable Spirit)》

    阴阳合同 dual contract

    个人所得税 personal income tax

    劳务报酬 remuneration for personal service

    收入分配 distribution of income

    逃税 tax evasion

    避税 tax avoidance

    3. 霸座  refuse to move after taking other people's seats

    餐车 food trolley

    餐车车厢 dining carriage

    行李架 baggage storage

    坐席 seat

    卧铺 sleeper

    商务座席 business seat

    一等座 first class seat

    二等座 second class seat

    4. 紧急着陆  (make an) emergency landing

    紧急着陆(emergency landing)

    载人空间站 manned space station

    安全着陆 land safely

    助推火箭 booster rocket

    发射中止系统 launch abort system

    发射场 launch site

    可重复使用运载火箭 reusable carrier rocket

    5. 数字搜身  digital strip searches

    强密码 strong password

    加密术 encryption

    侵入式搜身 invasive searches

    机密信息 confidential information

    一次性手机 burner phone



