

作者: 生命海洋 | 来源:发表于2020-04-25 13:24 被阅读0次


    Meditation No. 1


    from The Way to the Kingdom


    Do you truly want to come speedily and eternally into your own — that which you came here into manifestation to express?

    Then meditate earnestly and persistently day after day on the below — ten minutes or more on the first part, until you realize its Truth:

    In the ONE MIND there is the consciousness only of wholeness, completion, and perfection. In it there are no ideas of lack or limitation of supply of any kind.

    To every center of that Mind — and every human mind is such a center — there flows naturally every needed idea, even as air rushes into a vacuum, or as the blood carries to every cell of the body everything needed for their growth and sustenance.

    Remember, that One Mind is in YOU — IS YOUR MIND — as there is only One Mind.

    Also remember, by your realization of this great Truth, and making it the dominant fact in your consciousness, are you and your Father truly One. For it unites your consciousness with His Consciousness, He who is your REAL SELF, and Whose Mind is the ONLY Mind (of course it does for you are then in His Consciousness); and therefore You ARE all that He is, and ALL THAT HE HAS IS YOURS.

    Once believe this — once K N O W it, and you be free from ALL lack and limitation FOREVER.

    Then, after trying to realize intensely the Truth of the above by thus meditating and letting it soak into your subconsciousness, let the following flood your consciousness for ten minutes more:

    Be still, my child, and know I(是大写的I) am your Life, your Health, your Strength, your Understanding, your Supply, your Power, your Love.

    I am all these things — all these ideals you are seeking to be and to have.

    Oh, my child, can you not see you can have none of these apart from Me — can get none without getting Me, — can get them nowhere else but from Me, your Real, your ONLY Self, who am all these things NOW — and therefore YOU also are these things NOW, AND FOREVER MORE.

    SEE this, beloved, and know the Truth of your Self.

    Come unto Me all ye who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

    Can you not realize that this life in you, any portion of health or strength or power or love or understanding that you have, is not of yourself, but is of ME, who am all these things IN you.

    Then why not have done with your foolish, anxious striving to be that which you are now, always were, and always will be, in supreme fullness and perfection? Why not then let go completely and let Me, your Real and Perfect Self, have full sway in your consciousness,letting no thoughts therein you know are not My thoughts?

    That is all YOU need to do —I will do the rest.

    Beloved, if you abide thus in Me, and let this My Word abide in you, everything your heart seeketh will surely come to pass, in blessed richness and abundance.

    Meditation No. 2

    For the Development of Mental Power Within Yourself

    The following exercises are given for the development of mental power within yourself.

    Seat yourself in a chair, in your own room if possible, or in one in which you will be undisturbed. Take a positive position, sitting upright, but comfortably, so that you will be as unconscious of your body as possible.

    Now close your eyes and try to visualize the room as a mental room, or one within your mind in which you are going to fill full of and confine the mental qualities of Discrimination, Strength, the Power to Concentrate, and Truth, for your future and continuous use.

    Then try to realize that you are actually a center of God's consciousness, for in His consciousness we all live, move and have our being; and that this mind which you call your mind is a center or focal point of His Mind — just as the consciousness of each cell of your body is a center or focal point of your mind — and that therefore deep within your mind there must be always present and ever available God's Love, Intelligence and Power; in fact, all that God Is in His Consciousness.

    Now try to "see" this Consciousness — the Holy Love or Spirit of God — pouring forth from deep within and flowing through and radiating from you to all other centers of His Consciousness as a brilliant White Light; which Light in very truth is the Spiritual Self to one who has the inner sight, for It is the Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. Therefore realize that you are that Light, and that your mind being a part of God's Mind, you can consciously and actually call forth from within that Mind — if motivated and accompanied only by unselfish Love — any needed quality, for in It of course exist all God qualities.

    Therefore "see" your Light ever shining and going thus before you, lighting fully your path and making everything so clear that no possible shadow can intrude to deceive or hinder your perfect spiritual sight and hence your fullest understanding. This gives true Discrimination.

    Likewise, to your right see this Light radiating and pouring forth from you into the mental atmosphere of that part of your room as the Strength of Divine Mind, ever ready to support and sustain you in any need, and to enable you to do anything you wish to do.

    While on your left see the great Light of Truth likewise flowing forth to fill that part of your mentality, so that whenever you need to know anything, no matter what, it is ever ready to flood your consciousness and to make all clear to you.

    And then back of you, see this great Light from within pouring forth and filling that part of your mentality with the Power to concentrate and focus it, whenever you want to direct your mind upon any given idea or to any desired end.

    Just see this Light as a mighty Power ever back of you, waiting to pour through your consciousness (as through a funnel) in which is held the idea you wish clearly to understand or the picture that you wish to outmanifest — whenever you call upon this Power to direct the Light of Divine Mind upon it. See your intellect or visioning faculty (located in the front of your mind back of center of forehead) serving as a lens to focus the Light and reflect the perfect picture in the outer realms of consciousness or of physical manifestation.

    Just as the light pours through the small lens of a magic lantern, when you turn on the electric power, and throws the picture on the plate upon the screen, so will this Power, when you thus consciously direct it with intense purpose, cause the Light, Life and Substance of Divine Mind to pour into and through the idea or picture you are holding in your mind and will outmanifest it either as a perfect knowing or as the fulfillment of your desire.

    Study this last carefully and prove it, for it can be used to acquire any needed wisdom, power or ability, or to create and make manifest any righteous thing or condition. But be very sure you have the approval of your Higher Self of that which you wish manifested; for it should never be attempted unless inspired by a loving desire to help someone or to fit yourself for the Father's use.

    This rounds out your mentality, filling it full of those qualities that you want ever available for use. Any other qualities can be similarly brought forth and made available. The practice of actually calling forth these qualities from within you and "seeing" them surrounding you and filling your mental  room, thereby creates an aura that will always surround and protect you. For it will be of such high vibration, because of the brilliancy of its Light and the Power of Love radiating from it, that none of the forces of darkness can penetrate or even approach. The powers of Discrimination and Truth thus built into your aura will instantly detect any inimical or inharmonious vibrations and enable you to know how to deal with them.

    This practice also will gradually, if you do it faithfully day after day, make you conscious of the mighty Power you are, and of the wonderful instrument you have in this mind of yours, as you learn to make it obey your slightest command. This is what is meant above where it said that these exercises are for the development of mental power within yourself; they are that you may not only develop power, but that you may become Power, may learn to know Who you are and of What you are a part. But always remember that Power and Knowledge avail nothing unless Love inspires and directs their use.

    Meditation Overview

    Excerpt from "The Way to the Kingdom"

    ***To go directly to the two mediations provided, please use the drop down menu above under "Meditation".***

    Many think they cannot find the time for regular meditation. It is not so difficult to find the time; meditation can be made part of a well ordered life as easily as can any other factor.

    System, that manifestation of the harmony and rhythm of the universe in the affairs of men, will provide the time and the way, if given the opportunity by your earnestly desiring it.

    True meditation is the simplest and most natural thing in the world, because it is but a retiring into the quiet of the soul, a letting go in the mind of all outer things and relapsing into a peace and a rest in which the Spirit can come forth and speak to the mind.

    If you only know it, many times a day do you meditate — when your mind dwells upon things in which the personal self is interested. When that part of you is really concerned about a thing, your mind automatically obeys and dwells upon and ponders over that thing until its interest is appeased (worrying, being anxious, grieving, and such are all negative, unconscious meditation).

    Thus you can see that meditation is natural and in no way difficult. It only appears difficult because the human mind, which has been accustomed to having its own way and to thinking of only the personal things in which it is interested, rebels against restraint, particularly when required to think of impersonal and abstract things that you are interested in and wish light upon (purposeful thinking is positive and conscious meditation). We will try to indicate more clearly what we mean.

    In "The Impersonal Life" you are shown that it is really God who is living in your body and is your Real Self, and that you are of no importance whatsoever, either to yourself or to the world at large, until you recognize this great truth in a more or less conscious and intelligent way. This, of course, is not easy to grasp by a mind that considers you and itself separate and apart from God.

    Now consider that the life that grew you and is living you is the same life that is growing the grass, the flowers, the trees, the animals and all humanity, and is so wise and powerful a life that despite every obstacle it develops all to the maturity of that which it is their destiny to be. Did you or anyone of these others have any conscious part in the direction of or actual process of such growing?

    You know that you did not and you know that this life and intelligence and will doing it all is God — Who is All in all.

    Now try to realize that this life that is growing you, this mind that is intelligently directing all, and this will whose power is accomplishing all, is actually God and cannot be you or anyone else. Try to perceive the great truth of this by imagining how it must be.

    To do this you must lift Your mind away from this page and meditate upon what has been stated, and if you are greatly interested, you will find your attention fixed upon this life within you, imagining it as God living in your body, a very wise and loving Consciousness filling and possessing it, moving it and causing it to do what He wants it to do. And it will gradually dawn upon you that the part of you that is considering all this is only your mind, and then in a wondrously illuminating way it may flash into your consciousness that therefore you are not at all what you before thought was the you living in your body, but that it is a much bigger and more wonderful you — that it is God! that God is the Real You!! and that the other you is but a part of His Mind — a centre of His Consciousness that before had thought itself separate from Him.

    If you have truly followed this and actually caused your mind to consider and do everything suggested, some illumination must have resulted, for the God of you would surely respond to a heart earnestly desiring to know Him.

    The above would be real meditation, and real inner work, as you will by this time have realized.

    All meditation is nothing more nor less than a pondering over or reflecting upon any subject to which you direct your mind’s attention. The reason we urge use of meditation is two-fold: that you can cultivate the power and ability to require your mind to consider thoroughly any subject you wish it to understand fully, realizing that as you hold the subject firmly before your mind’s eye, light will pour in, enabling you to see it from many angles. Also that your mind may gradually learn who you are — learn of your inner self — and that it, the mind, is your child, your instrument that you are teaching, training and disciplining so that it will serve you selflessly and efficiently.

    Until you have disciplined your mind, you cannot control your thoughts, and as by being able to control your thoughts you can control your emotions, you can then bring your body into harmony; for its health is largely controlled by the emotions or feelings harbored in the heart.

    When you become more or less master of your mind and dedicate it to the service of the Christ — your God-Self, your real work begins; for all such earnest ones are accepted and put to that work for which they have been fitted and prepared.

    But not until the mind is thoroughly under control can real work be given. Real work awaits, but it will be mental work — in the Silence and at night, when the brain minds of those who seek and need help are still, so their souls can hear and accept.

    Such Real Work will be given when you are ready.

    There are probably some who are impatient at what they think to be the slowness of their progress and who wish to be put to work, evidently not recognizing that very definite work has already been given them to do.

    Such may not be the work they are looking for — it may seem to them too simple, even unnecessary, not yet glimpsing that the work they later will be called upon to do is mental work and of an extremely difficult kind — to those who have not learned to concentrate and to control their thoughts, to shut them off at will and to direct them upon any desired subject.

    All such must learn that to be of real service to the Master within they must be able to hear His Voice when He speaks, and that cannot be until they have learned to become quiet and to turn their thoughts within for the definite purpose of finding and getting acquainted with Him. That is plain enough, is it not?

    We wish to help every earnest seeker to accomplish this, but before that is possible mind-control must be attained. This is only stating in another way what has been told several times already, and it will be repeated again and again until all realize the necessity of regular and systematic meditation — for the two-fold purpose of training and discipling the mind until it becomes a perfect instrument for the Master’s use, and of learning to find and to know Him. In doing this you will soon realize that you are fulfilling the wishes of your Higher Self — by His approval shown in the results attained, and you will surely learn Who is the Master. Also you will learn thereby why this is not inconsistent with what was said above about no one being able actually to hasten the process of Spiritual growth.


    For this purpose alone are the definite exercises given you in Meditation  2(see menu above).

    They are for the use of those only who are no longer seeking anything for self, but that they may fit themselves perfectly for the Master’s use. Such are candidates for Discipleship, and such are always provided with the help necessary. Should the powers gained be used selfishly, those so misusing them will learn through sorrow and much suffering that the Light within has become obscured and spiritual darkness hides the way. Let all heed these words.

    In trying to grasp the wonderful meaning of your being a center of God’s Consciousness, "see" yourself as an idea in His Mind, that idea being your Christ-Self — His beloved Son — formed in the Father’s image and likeness. The Real You is such an idea, a loved concept of your Father’s Mind, and therefore it is ever within that Mind and is always open to receive or perceive everything else in that Mind.

    If you can "see" the Sun as the outer symbol to your human mind of your Father in Heaven, and can realize It as the Source of all Life, Power and Light, it will help you to glimpse that Great Mind within you; for your human mind is a center of that Mind, which radiates to every Center of Itself everything that It is, even as the sun shines and provides all life, power and light to all in its universe.

    Ponder and marvel over this wondrous Truth. This will help you to see yourself as a center of Light, Love and Power, always receiving from the Eternal Source within you the radiant God qualities which they symbolize to your human mind. This being true, all that you need to do is to KNOW this, and by so knowing you actually connect up your consciousness with your Father’s Consciousness, and thus let any quality you can clearly visualize pour into you and shine; for where God’s qualities are they will shine forth and express themselves.

    Remember, these instructions are for those who wish to fit themselves for selfless service under the direction of the Christ within. While we call them instructions, yet they are in reality only suggestions that will call forth the actual instructions and guidance from the One within Who is the only authority and teacher for you. He will either approve and amplify or modify what is suggested, or will restrain you until He intends you to follow them, or others better adapted for you.

    By that time, with the training received in hearing and knowing His Voice, you will know that He alone is your Teacher, and that He can teach you everything.



