Day 19.运动健身第19天,2021年9月2日没有达到5公里

Day 19.运动健身第19天,2021年9月2日没有达到5公里

作者: 来而不可失者时也 | 来源:发表于2021-09-03 22:59 被阅读0次


    In a city  Under lockdown, hope arrives by motorbike

    There's a saying a man's words are kind when death is close, mister zhang said everybody is very tired, everybody has been suffering for so long.

    Those interactions are rare. Now this week, the Wuhan authorities ordered neighborhoods to establish content, contactless contact lies, delivery contact lies, delivery points. Mister zhang has a delivery, he takes it to a designated designated check point in the customers neighborhood and leaves.

    By far the best change though has been to mister Jones after work routine. Usually he would watch a movie or spend time with friends now every night he writes in a journal, then he sends the in tears to various online publications that much to his delight has begun sharing them.

    His first point was published january 13 in the online magazine signal read it was called self narration of Wuhan take out workers since then he has published five more.

    He rise of calling a friend to ask him to support his sons if he gets sick of watching two older men play chess outdoors without masks of taking in a crisp Wuhan day with few around to share it.

    Normally you would see more people sign budding some bath in playing chest grocery shopping doing nothing he wrote in that entire that entry dated January 13 usually I think they are too noisy noisy only now did I discover CD without people yelling is boring. MR zhang said he had always humbled literally aspirations. He has rotten novels, poems and fairy tales, but none of those earlier writings were published. He has only a middle school education and thought that would put off editors, but they have published his  Entries after making only some grammatical changes, he said.

    He reads every comment left on his poems, many people say they cannot believe a delivery driver wrote them, I think people like me because I'm just one of them. He said, MR. John plans to keep writing after the outbreak ends. He has already started taking fewer deliveries to have more time to write. If outlets stop publishing his work, he will keep in making deliveries to earn money, but he will not stop writing the epidemic has made many people close there, Moses it has made many of the unlucky among us close their Moses forever, MR. Zhang wrote in one  Post I want to talk now.



          本文标题:Day 19.运动健身第19天,2021年9月2日没有达到5公里
