Day 11 Webpack Manifest

Day 11 Webpack Manifest

作者: mocobk | 来源:发表于2018-07-21 19:13 被阅读0次

    Day 11 Webpack Manifest

    Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish——Stay Hungry Stay Foolish(Apple 创始人)

    That src directory you meticulously laid out is now gone, so how does webpack manage the interaction between all of your modules? This is where the manifest data comes in.

    As the compiler enters, resolves, and maps out your application, it keeps detailed notes on all your modules.

    This collection of data is called the "Manifest" and it's what the runtime will use to resolve and load modules once they've been bundled and shipped to the browser.

    No matter which module syntax you have chosen, those import or require statements have now become webpack require methods that point to module identifiers.

    Using the data in the manifest, the runtime will be able to find out where to retrieve the modules behind the identifiers.

    By using content hashes within your bundle file names, you can indicate to the browser when the contents of a file has changed thus invalidating the cache.

    This is caused by the injection of the runtime and manifest which changes every build.


    生词 音标 释义
    directory [dɪˈrɛktəri] n. 目录
    meticulously [mə'tɪkjələslɪ] adv. 精心地
    manage [ˈmænɪdʒ] v. 管理
    module [ˈmɑ:dʒul] n. 模块
    compiler [kəmˈpaɪlɚ] n. 编译程序;编译器
    resolve [rɪˈzɑ:lv] v. 分析
    map out 规划
    detailed [dɪˈteld] adj. 详细的
    collection [kəˈlɛkʃən] n. 收集
    runtime [rʌn'taɪm] 运行时间
    load [loʊd] v. 载入
    bundle [ˈbʌndl] v. 打包
    ship [ʃɪp] v. 传输;运输
    syntax [ˈsɪnˌtæks] n. 语法;句法
    statement [ˈstetmənt] n. 声明;语句
    point to 指向
    identifier [aɪˈdentɪfaɪə(r)] n. 识别符;标识符
    find out 发现
    retrieve [rɪˈtriv] v. 取回
    content [ˈkɑ:ntent] n. 内容
    hash [hæʃ] n. 哈希值
    indicate [ˈɪndɪˌket] v. 指示
    invalidate [ɪnˈvælɪˌdet] v. 使无效
    cache [kæʃ] n. 缓存
    injection [ɪnˈdʒɛkʃən] n. 注入
    build [bɪld] v. 构筑;编译



          本文标题:Day 11 Webpack Manifest
