The input is a string str of digits. Cut the string into chunks of size sz (ignore the last chunk if its size is less than sz).
If a chunk represents an integer such as the sum of the cubes of its digits is divisible by 2, reverse it; otherwise rotate it to the left by one position. Put together these modified chunks and return the result as a string.
revrot("123456987654", 6) --> "234561876549"
revrot("123456987653", 6) --> "234561356789"
revrot("66443875", 4) --> "44668753"
revrot("66443875", 8) --> "64438756"
revrot("664438769", 8) --> "67834466"
revrot("123456779", 8) --> "23456771"
revrot("", 8) --> ""
revrot("123456779", 0) --> ""
def revrot(strng, sz):
# your code
# slice to chunks e.g strng[(n-1)*sz: n*sz]
if sz <= 0:
return ''
r = ''
for k in range(len(strng)//sz):
chunk = strng[k*sz:(k+1)*sz]
if sum(int(i) for i in chunk)%2 == 0:
chunk = chunk[::-1]
chunk = chunk[1:]+chunk[0]
r += chunk
return r