Nothing will ever compare.
That’s something only for yourself
But, what should I do?
Trying to pursue your dream, you know that.
People say that you should consider theoutside more.
But what is really the reality?
The world in your eyes is only a subset ofthe real, whole world,
Thus what the world really looks like seemsnever can be known.
What the majority say may not be the truth
How can you be so sure that what you saywill be the truth?
Actually, most of the time it isn’t.
Will everyone come upon the stage
And eventually get hurt,
Lock the door of their dream?
Even so, I choose to take a risk.
You said that easily,
But you even hadn’t seen
How tough the journey will be.
You gave up every time in the long run
You are always a ‘3-minute passion’ person
How are you so sure that this time it willbe different?
If plan is not what I can live with,
Then I should find something different andsustainable
That can give me passion.
People say that always,
People always say that
‘You need to demonstrate more self-control.’
But how?
It comes to my mind that
You can set some deadline for yourself.
That’s it.
That’s what you need.
Every time you try to meet your deadline
Though you may be anxious
You become more efficient
A bottom line
A desire to complete something
Oh, maybe this time it works.
You should remember one thing.
Be responsible for yourself,
Which consists
Your dream,
Your choice to pursue your dream.
Your life is your own,
Nothing will ever compare.