chezscheme 随笔

chezscheme 随笔

作者: onedam | 来源:发表于2021-08-10 18:07 被阅读0次

    https://scheme.com/tspl4/ 语言设计文档
    https://www.scheme.com/csug8/ 用户指南
    https://cisco.github.io/ChezScheme/csug9.5/csug.html 9.5用户指南

    https://cisco.github.io/ChezScheme/ 这个是正式主页
    https://scheme.com/ 这个是跳转页

    查看当前env 中加载的函数.

    (environment-symbols (scheme-environment))  ;  good 能够全部列举的出来.
    (environment-symbols (interaction-environment)) 
    (environment-symbols (ieee-environment))    ; an IEEE/ANSI standard compatibility environment
    (set! environment-symbols
      (lambda (env) '()
        (unless (environment? env)
          ($oops 'environment-symbols "~s is not an environment" env))
        (let ([token (top-ribcage-key (env-top-ribcage env))])
          (let f ([ls (oblist)] [syms '()])
            (if (null? ls)
                (f (cdr ls)
                   (let ([x (car ls)])
                     (if (cond
                           [(lookup-global-label x (wrap-marks top-wrap) token) =>
                            (lambda (label)
                              (or (get-global-definition-hook label)
                                  ($top-level-bound? label)))]
                           [else #f])
                         (cons x syms)
    (apropos-list 'define)
    (apropos 'defun)
    (environment '(prefix (rnrs) $rnrs-))
    (environment-mutable? (interaction-environment)) 
    (environment-mutable? (scheme-environment)) 
    (environment-mutable? (copy-environment (scheme-environment)))
    (environment-mutable? (environment '(prefix (rnrs) $rnrs-)))

    (lambda (x) (printf "~s:\n {<%& ~1:; s>^,}~&" (car x) (cdr x)))
    (apropos-library-help s))

    ;This procedure returns a list of symbols representing the identifiers bound in environment env. It is primarily useful in building the list of symbols to be copied from one environment to another.
    (此过程返回一个符号列表,这些符号表示在environment env中绑定的标识符。它主要用于构建要从一个环境复制到另一个环境的符号列表。)
    (define listless-environment
        (remq 'list (environment-symbols (scheme-environment)))))




    (define-syntax SWAP
        [(_ x y)
         (let ([a x])
           (set! x y)
           (set! y a))]))
    (SWAP a1 a2) =>
    (let ([a a1])
       (set! a1 a2)
       (set! a2 a))

    (expand '(and a b))

    2.4.15 Primitive Function Type

    A primitive function is a function callable from Lisp but written in the C programming language. Primitive functions are also called subrs or built-in functions. (The word “subr” is derived from “subroutine”.) Most primitive functions evaluate all their arguments when they are called. A primitive function that does not evaluate all its arguments is called a special form (see Special Forms).

    It does not matter to the caller of a function whether the function is primitive. However, this does matter if you try to redefine a primitive with a function written in Lisp. The reason is that the primitive function may be called directly from C code. Calls to the redefined function from Lisp will use the new definition, but calls from C code may still use the built-in definition. Therefore, we discourage redefinition of primitive functions.

    The term function refers to all Emacs functions, whether written in Lisp or C. See Function Type, for information about the functions written in Lisp.

    Primitive functions have no read syntax and print in hash notation with the name of the subroutine.

    sicp 大学(官方)书籍 https://mitpress.mit.edu/sites/default/files/sicp/full-text/book/book-Z-H-4.html


    1.1 A Little Nanopass Framework History
    The idea of writing a compiler as a series of small, single-purpose passes grew out of a course on compiler construction taught by Dan Friedman in 1999 at Indiana University. The following year, R. Kent Dybvig and Oscar Waddell joined Friedman to refine the idea of the micropass compiler into a set of assignments that could be used in a single semester to construct a compiler for a subset of Scheme. The micropass compiler uses an S-expression pattern matcher developed by Friedman to simplify the matching and rebuilding of
    language terms. Erik Hilsdale added a support for catamorphisms [?] that provides a more succinct syntax for recurring into sub-terms of the language, which further simplified pass development.

    Dan Friedman于1999在印第安那大学任教。第二年,R。肯特·戴维格和
    Oscar Waddell与Friedman一起将微过程编译器的思想细化为一组可以
    语言术语。Erik Hilsdale增加了对反变形的支持,提供了更简洁的语法

    Passes in a micropass compiler are easy to understand, as each pass is responsible for just one transformation. The compiler is easier to debug when compared with a traditional compiler composed of a few, multitask passes. The output from each pass can be inspected to ensure that it meets grammatical and extragrammatical constraints. The output from each pass can also be tested in the host Scheme system to ensure that the output of each pass evaluates to the value of the initial expression. This makes it easier to isolate broken passes and identify bugs. The compiler is more flexible than a compiler composed of a few, multi-task
    passes. New passes can easily be added between existing passes, which allows experimentation with new optimizations. In an academic setting, writing compilers composed of many, single-task passes is useful for assigning extra compiler passes to advanced students who take the course.
    (微过程编译器中的过程很容易理解,因为每个过程只负责一个转换。与由几个多任务过程组成的传统编译器相比,编译器更容易调试。可以检查每个过程的输出,以确保它满足语法和语法外约束。还可以在host Scheme系统中测试每个过程的输出,以确保每个过程的输出计算为初始表达式的值。这使得隔离断开的通道和识别错误变得更容易。编译器比由几个多任务过程组成的编译器更灵活。可以很容易地在现有过程之间添加新的过程,这允许对新的优化进行实验。在学术环境中,编写由多个单任务过程组成的编译器对于为修读该课程的高级学生分配额外的编译器过程非常有用。)
    Micropass compilers are not without drawbacks. First, efficiency can be a problem due to pattern-matching overhead and the need to rebuild large S-expressions. Second, passes often contain boilerplate code to recur through otherwise unchanging language forms. For instance, in a pass to remove one-armed if expressions,
    where only the if form changes, other forms in the language must be handled explicitly to locate embedded if expressions. Third, the representation lacks formal structure. The grammar of each intermediate language can be documented in comments, but the structure is not enforced.

    The define-language and define-pass syntactic forms are used by the nanopass framework to address these problems. A define-language form formally specifies the grammar of an intermediate language. A define-pass form defines a pass that operates on one language and produces output in a possibly different language. Formally specifying the grammar of an intermediate language and writing passes based on these intermediate languages allows the nanopass framework to use a record-based representation of language terms that is more efficient than the S-expression representation, autogenerate boilerplate code to recur through otherwise unchanging language forms, and generate checks to verify that the output of each pass adheres to the output-language grammar.
    (nanopass框架使用 define-language 和 define-pass语法形式来解决这些问题。定义语言形式正式指定中间语言的语法。define pass表单定义在一种语言上运行并以可能不同的语言生成输出的pass。正式指定中间语言的语法和基于这些中间语言的书写过程允许nanopass框架使用基于记录的语言术语表示法,该表示法比S表达式表示法更有效,自动生成样板代码,通过其他不变的语言形式重现,并生成检查以验证每个过程的输出是否符合
    The summer after Dybvig, Waddell, and Friedman taught their course, Jordan Johnson implemented an initial prototype of the nanopass framework to support the construction of micropass compilers.
    In 2004, Dipanwita Sarkar, Oscar Waddell, and R. Kent Dybvig developed a more complete prototype nanopass framework for compiler construction and submitted a paper on it to ICFP [?]. The initial paper focused on the nanopass framework as a tool capable of developing both academic and commercial quality compilers.
    The paper was accepted but on the condition that it be refocused only on academic uses. The reviewers were not convinced that the framework or nanopass construction method was capable of supporting a commercial compiler. In retrospect, the reviewers were right. Sarkar implemented only a few of the passes from the compiler used in the course on compilers. This implementation showed that the nanopass framework was viable, but it did not support the claim that the nanopass framework could be used for a commercial compiler.
    In fact, because the class compiler was started but never completed, it is unclear whether the prototype was even up to the task of writing the full class compiler.

    (Dybvig、Waddell和Friedman教授课程后的夏天,Jordan Johnson实现了nanopass框架的初始原型,以支持微通编译器的构建。

    2004年,迪潘维塔·萨卡尔、奥斯卡·瓦德尔和R。Kent Dybvig为编译器构建开发了一个更完整的原型nanopass框架,并向ICFP[?]提交了一篇关于该框架的论文。最初的论文主要关注nanopass框架,它是一种能够开发学术和商业质量编译器的工具。



    The nanopass framework described in this guide improves on the prototype developed by Sarkar.
    In this framework, language definitions are no longer restricted to top-level definitions.
    Additionally, passes can accept more than one argument and return zero or more values.
    Passes can be defined that operate on a subset of a language instead of being restricted to starting from the entry-point nonterminal of the language.
    Passes can also autogenerate nonterminal transformers not supplied by the compiler writer.
    The new nanopass framework also defines two new syntactic forms, nanopass-case and with-output-language, that allow language terms to be matched and constructed outside the context of a pass.
    新的nanopass框架还定义了两种新的语法形式,nanopass case和with output language,允许在pass上下文之外匹配和构造语言术语。)

    1.2 The Nanopass Framework Today
    Although the nanopass framework defines just two primary syntactic forms, the macros that implement
    them are complex, with approximately 4600 lines of code. In both the prototype and the new version of the
    nanopass framework, the define-language macro parses a language definition and stores a representation
    of it in the compile-time environment. This representation can be used to guide the definition of derived
    languages and the construction of passes. Both also create a set of record types used to represent language
    terms at run time, along with an unparser for translating the record representation to an S-expression
    representation. Finally, both create meta-parsers to parse S-expression patterns and templates. An Sexpression to record-form parser can also be created from the language using define-parser.
    The define-pass form, in both versions of the framework, operates over an input-language term and produces an output-language term. The input-language meta-parser generates code to match the specified
    pattern as records, as well as a set of bindings for the variables named in the pattern. The output-language
    meta-parser generates record constructors and grammar-checking code. Within a pass definition, a transformer is used to define a translation from an input nonterminal to an output nonterminal. Each transformer
    has a set of clauses that match an input-language term and construct an output-lang







    代表性。最后,两者都创建元解析器来解析S表达式模式和模板。还可以使用define parser从该语言创建Sexpression-to-record表单解析器。

    在两个版本的框架中,define pass表单都对输入语言术语进行操作,并生成输出语言术语。输入语言元解析器生成与指定语言匹配的代码







          本文标题:chezscheme 随笔
