To promote: to move someone up in an organization, usually because she has done a good job.
We're going to promote her to manager.
If we don't promote him, he'll probably be upset.
The opposite of promote is demote.
Fill in the blanks:
We shouldn't promote anyone unless they really deserve it, which means they have to prove themselves.
I don't think she deserves a promotion yet, but her boss is insisting that we give it to her.
To transfer: to move someone or something from one place to another.
The company is going to transfer him to Shanghai next month.
She doesn't want to be transferred because her husband is against moving to another city.
Fill in the blanks:
He likes working for us, but he wants to be transferred to a different place within the company.
Repeat & Read Sentences:
She won't agree to be transferred unless we give her a promotion and a salary increase.
Transferring him out of sales was a mistake, so we need to find another position for him.
To motivate: to get someone interested and excited about doing something.
She's really good at motivating her employees.
One way to motivate someone is to encourage them by giving constructive feedback.
Fill in the blanks:
He's no fool, so giving him an award without an increase in salary won't motivate him.
Repeat & Read Sentences:
When he didn't get his bonus he was really demotivated, so the quality of his work went down.
They aren't working hard enough because they aren't being motivated.
To postpone: to delay or put off something until a later date.
We had to postpone the presentation, because she wasn't ready to give it.
We can't continue to postpone the meeting or they will cancel it completely.
Fill in the blanks:
We can't postpone launching the product, so everyone will have to work harder to meet the deadline.
They are asking to postpone making their first payment, so we may decide to cancel the contract.
To evade: to escape or avoid something.
They are trying to evade taking responsibility for their failure.
He was arrested for tax evasion.
Fill in the blanks:
The hackers broke into the computer and evaded detection until it was too late to catch them.
They designed the airplane to evade detection by radar.
When he didn't get his bonus he was really demotivated, so the quality of his work went down.
They are trying to evade taking responsibility for their failure.
One way to motivate someone is to encourage them by giving constructive feedback.
If we don't promote him, he'll probably be upset.
To escape or avoid something —— to evade.
To get someone interested and excited about doing something —— to motivate.
To transfer someone means ... to move them to another location.
To promote someone means ... to give them a higher level job.
Giving someone constructive feedback is ... one way to motivate them.
To delay or put off something until a later date —— to postpone.
Repeat & Read Sentences:
If we don't promote him, he'll probably be upset.
The company is going to transfer him to Shanghai next month.
They are trying to evade taking responsibility for their failure.
The hackers broke into the computer and evaded detection until it was too late to catch them.
We need to motivate people more and not demotivate them by reducing benefits.
She's really good at motivating her employees.
He was arrested for tax evasion.
One way to motivate someone is to encourage them by giving constructive feedback.