身体是1 11月3日学习记录

身体是1 11月3日学习记录

作者: 玩英语 | 来源:发表于2016-11-03 17:41 被阅读13次

Exhausted all day

In the morning, struggled to build the second QDU TMC model , mentoring. Download several videos , choose the appropriate one, upload them to Tecent Video, draw a draft , copy it to Buluo, tedious and trivially, but that is my decision, finally I made it. It is so hard to be an officer , it challenges me , pushes me to get out of the comfort zone .

I really appreciate my perseverance and my partner's help.

Stick to GRE words

Just finish 2 pages , 10 left . Take a thorough rest tonight , let me in shape .


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