四级考试写作翻译阅读段落匹配 .06.08

四级考试写作翻译阅读段落匹配 .06.08

作者: d3b54c0881ab | 来源:发表于2018-06-08 17:34 被阅读2次

    ********************************************** FT中文网 (推荐网站)
    CET 4. 2018.6.8


    1. It goes without saying that ….. of great important.不必说….很重要
    2. As I see it,…plays a critical role in our growth and success.
    3. There is no doubt that….is to us what water is to fish.毫无疑问,…之于我们就像水对于鱼
    4. It is obvious/apparent that … 很明显的是
    5. It is beyond doubt that……. 毫无疑问
    6. It has been universally acknowledged that …众所周知It is widely noted that……
    7. There is no denying that …. 不可否认的是
    8. When it comes to ……,there is a heated discussion among people.
    9. With the rapid development of technology and society, the people in growing numbers believe that….
    10. Sb. Spend money/time on sth/in doing sth.
    11. Sth cost sb. money
    12. It take/took time to do sth.
    13. Along with the advance of the society ,more and more problems are brought to our attention ,one of which is that ……...
    14. Now we are entering a new era(时代), full of opportunities and challenges.
    15. At present , some people think……..while others claim……Both sides have their merits(优点).
    16. At present, the internet is playing an increasingly significant role in the daily lives of people.
    17. 越来越…… increasingly +adj(small/handsome/rich)
    18. 努力去做某事 strive to do sth.
    19. 处理 cope with= deal with = handle
    20. Think = deem = hold= claim=contend =consider=assert 认为=from my perspective =from my point of view
    21. I hold the viewpoint that……
    22. I cherish(1持有怀有2珍惜) the viewpoint that it is extremely essential that protect the environment .
    23. cultivate the spirit of innovation 培养创新精神
    24. with the coming of globalization ,the world is becoming increasingly small.
    25. With the popularity of the internet ,our lives are becoming increasingly convenient.
    26. Under no circumstances(无论如何,绝不) should we pollute the environment.
    27. Only by doing so ,can we address this problem completely .
    28. Only in this way ,can we achieve success.
    29. In order to justify the viewpoint that I have mentioned above, I can`t come up with better illustration than the example of To Youyou ,a distinguished scientist ,who attributes(把……归于) her great achievements to the spirit of innovation.
    30. According to a recent survey ,5 million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking.
    31. A proverb says,” ”,
    32. the risk of +n./doing
    33. the lack of ….
    34. difficult(n.) in doing
    35. account for 说明,导致,引起 we should be called to account for their actions. 我们应该为他们的行为做出解释
    36. as for …… 至于……
    37. 总之 in summery =in a word =in short = in brief =all in all =anyhow = overall = in conclusion =in any case =in any event
    38. 三思而后行 think carefully before action
      二) 常用词汇(翻译和作文)
    39. 传统的 traditional
    40. 传统和习俗 tradition and custom
    41. 传统文化 traditional culture
    42. 特别地,尤其地 especially=particularly=in particular
    43. 美化 beautify
    44. 装饰 decorate --decoration
    45. 社会和谐social harmony=harmonious society
    46. 社会稳定social stable = stability society
    47. 社会文明 social civilization = civilized society civilize
    48. 经济体制 economic system=economy system
    49. 市场经济发展market-oriented economic
    50. 发展 develop---development
    51. 文化 culture
    52. 文化自信cultural confidence
    53. 中国传统文化 Chinese traditional cultural
    54. 庆祝celebrate---celebration
    55. 婚庆wedding celebration=marriage celebrate
    56. 气氛 atmosphere=climate claim(声称)
    57. 浓厚的学术氛围 strong academic climate
    58. 兴旺prosper v. prosperous adj. prosperity n. boom n./v.繁荣兴旺 booming adj.
    59. 礼物 gift = present
    60. 春节Spring Festival
    61. Chinese traditional festival
    62. 习俗custom
    63. 主题 subject = topic=theme
    64. 亲朋好友 dear friends and close relatives relative adj 相关的,相对的 n. 亲属
    65. 关注 Pay much /great attention to……
    66. 激烈竞争 intense competition
    67. 成就 achieve=accomplish v. achievement =accomplishment n. the sense of
    68. 方便的 convenience n. convenient adj. the convenience of internet
    69. 立即的,马上的,速食的 instant adj. 方便面 instant noodle
    70. 一年一度的 annual adj. 年度报告 annual report
    71. 比赛 race contest match competition
    72. 参加 take part in = participate in 参与者,选手 participant/player
    73. 聚集 come together gather v. gathering n.聚会 social gathering 社交聚会
    74. 促进 improve /enhance/ promote 、promote the development of tourism
    75. 旅游业 tourism 游客 tourist
    76. 风景名胜 scenic spots scene n.风景 scenery n.风景场景(总称)scenic adj.风景优美的
    77. 扮演角色,发挥作用 play a part /role in……
    78. 改革开放政策 the policy of reform and opening up
    79. 百万 million 十亿 billion
    80. 医疗保健medical care and health care
    81. 环境保护 environment pollution/protection
    82. 生态环境 ecology n.生态 ecosystem 生态系统
    83. 物种 species n. the origin of species 物种起源
    84. 灭绝 die out
    85. 经济增长 economy growth
    86. 显著进步 remarkable progress in English
    87. 应对挑战 challenge v./n. cope with =deal with =handle
    88. Handle the environment challenge 应对环境挑战
    89. 屈服 yield to… yield v.产生产出n.产量v. yield to …屈服于
    90. 发明创新 invention and innovation
    91. 休闲娱乐 leisure and entertainment
    92. 社会福利 social welfare
    93. 管理统治 government n.政府 govern v.管理,约束
    94. 来自originate from …… come from…… derive from…… Stem from……
    95. 支持 support 提倡 advocate 宣传 publicize 解决 settle 消除 eliminate 逆转 reverse 禁止 forbid/ban
    96. adj. v. n.
      全球化 global globalize globalization
      现代化 modern modernize modernization
      工业化 industrial industrialize industrialization
      城市化 urban urbanize urbanization
      商业化 commercial commercialize commercialization

    第三段.观点建议,1)积极—支持提倡宣传2)消极 解决,消除,逆转3)两面性 扬长避短,合理利用
    四)常考话题 经济文化历史社会
    一) 解题原则
    Step no.1 先题后文
    1. 定位信息
    1) 时间数字人名地名专有名词
    2) 名词动词形容词(以及改写)
    2. 串联题干
    Step no.2 顺序一致
    Step no.3 定位范围 1-定位句 2-上下句 3-定位段
    二) 选项特征

    1. 正确答案特征-同义改写
      1) 对应型改写
      2) 取反型改写
      3) 归纳总结性改写
    2. 干扰选项特征
      1) 未提及
      2) 不准确
      3) 答非所问
      三) 细节题解题原则(局部)
      1.因果关系:因果关联词-thus/in that +结果/as a result/consequently/ since
      2.转折对比关系:转折关系词-but/yet/however /while/nevertheless/though/whereas/in spite of/actually/ infect /unfortunately/ however/ in contrast /on the contrary.
      Step no.1主治题解题原则;
    3. 找中心主旨—开头结尾和各段首尾
      1) 首段首句2)二段开头转折3)末端总结
    4. 注意出现高频词汇(及其改写)
    5. 文章开头的提问和回答
    6. 优先选择概括性强的选项,排除片面选项
    7. 态度题1)积极-positive/optimistic/supportive/approval2)消极-negative /pessimistic /doubtful/oppose/objectionable/disapproval 3)中立objective/neutral/impartial.
      a. 限定词(the/a/this /that/my/his)之后
      b. Adj/n.修饰n.
      c. 谓语动词前后
      d. 介词后有n.或v-ing.
    1. 根据 语法,逻辑,词义,上下文,选择词汇

    1) 先题后文
    2) 逐段做题--title,找文章主旨串联题干*有的放矢
    3) 拒绝投机取巧,有依据做题,定位与总结




        本文标题:四级考试写作翻译阅读段落匹配 .06.08
