In best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) of breeding values, information from performance of relatives is incorporated through the use of a relationship matrix.
Elements of this matrix are derived as the predicted proportion of the genome that is identical by descent (IBD) among two individuals given their pedigree relationship.
However, Mendelian sampling during gamete formation results in variation in the realized
proportion of the genome, which is IBD between pairs of individuals with the same predicted relation-ship coefficients.
DNA marker information can be used to calculate the realized relationship matrix with elements the actual proportion of the genome that is IBD between two individuals, with a high degree of precision, provided that a sufficient number of markers are used.
Nejati-Javaremi et al. (1997) demonstrated with simulation that if the loci contributing to trait variation were known, and the alleles at these loci were used to derive the realized relationship matrix, the accuracy of breeding values calculated using this matrix could be higher than that calculated using the predicted relationship matrix.
Nejati-javaremi等。 (1997)用模拟证明,如果已知有助于特征变异的基因座,并且这些基因座的等位基因用于预测现实的关系矩阵,则使用该矩阵计算的育种值准确性可以高于使预测关系矩阵(A矩阵)计算的准确性。
In practice, all the loci contributing to trait variation are unlikely to have been identified.
Villanueva et al. (2005) demonstrated by simulation that using the realized relationship matrix derived from markers rather than the predicted relationship matrix in the calculation of estimated breeding values (EBVs) could lead to higher accuracies of selection.
Villanueva等。 (2005)通过模拟证明,使用从标记导出的实现关系矩阵而不是预测的关系矩阵在计算估计的繁殖值(EBVS)中可能导致更高的选择精度。
They proposed that marker information used in this way could offer benefits in selection programmes when no quantum trait locus (QTL) has been mapped or when the underlying genetic model can be considered the infinitesimal model, where no individual QTL has a moderate to large effect on the trait.
For some traits such as height in humans, this is indeed the case, with the largest reported QTLs explaining only a small fraction of the genetic variance.
While Villanueva et al. (2005) considered estimating realized relationships conditional on a known pedigree (exploiting linkage information) realized relationship coefficients can also be estimated for ‘unrelated’ individuals within a population.
This requires sufficient marker density to identify chromosome segments in two individuals that are descended from the same common, but unknown ancestor.
An alternative method by which DNA marker data can be used to estimate breeding values is genomic selection (Meuwissen et al., 2001).
In this method, the markers are used to track QTLs whose effects are estimated and summed to predict the breeding value of each individual.
However, if there are many QTLs whose effects are normally distributed with constant variance, then genomic selection can be equivalent to the use of the realized relationship matrix
Currently, there is no analytical method available to predict the accuracy of EBVs calculated using the genomic relationship matrix considering information from relatives.
Analytical expressions would be desirable to guide the design of experiments aiming to achieve a given accuracy of genomic breeding values (GEBVs).
Our objective was to derive such expressions for the accuracy of GEBV considering information from relatives. We also modify the expression of Goddard (2008) for the accuracy of GEBV in random mating populations to improve the predictions.
Our starting point for all derivations was the equivalent genomic selection model.
We then verified the analytical predictions using two simulation approaches.
First, we derive a prediction of the accuracy based on the prediction error variance (PEV) where the realized relationship matrix is determined by a large number of informative markers.
Secondly, we derive accuracy from simulations with both markers and QTLs segregating as the correlation between true and predicted breeding values. We then investigate the sensitivity of the results to the number of markers used, the number of QTLs and effective population size.
We then investigate the sensitivity of the results to the number of markers used, the number of QTLs and effective population size.