iOS的视图绘制通常有三种方式,CoreGraphics、Quartz2D和OpenGL ES,性能从低到高。
I assume the reason you want to switch to OpenGL is to accelerate the animation of your drawn elements. In that question, you were attempting to animate by redrawing your UIView's contents with Quartz every frame. That will be incredibly slow, because of the way that the iPhone's drawing system works. Every frame, your view's backing layer would need to be converted to a texture and re-uploaded to the GPU, a very slow set of operations.
Compositing is faster, by far. On the iPhone, content is drawn into a CALayer (or into a UIView's backing CALayer) using Quartz drawing calls or from a bitmapped image. This layer is then rasterized and effectively cached as an OpenGL texture on the GPU.
This drawing and caching operation is very expensive, but once the layer is on the GPU, it can be moved around, scaled, rotated, etc. in a hardware-accelerated manner. All the GPU has to do while the layer is animating is to composite it with the other onscreen layers every frame. This is why Core Animation can do 50 layers animating around the screen at 60 FPS on even the oldest iPhone models.
Layers and views only redraw themselves when prompted, or if resized when their needsDisplayOnBoundsChange property is set to YES. The drawing system is set up this way because of how expensive it is to redraw and recache the layer contents. If you can, avoid redrawing your layer content regularly, but instead split it into layers or views that you can animate around individually using Core Animation. If you need to animate a changing shape, look to CAShapeLayer, which makes this much more efficient than simply redrawing every frame.
绘制和缓存操作非常昂贵,但是一旦layer发送到了GPU上,就可以通过硬件加速的方式进行评议、缩放、旋转等变化。GPU在layer动画的过程中唯一需要做的就是在每一帧的时候把这个layer跟其他屏幕可见layer进行混合。这就是为什么Core Animation即使在最古老的iPhone机型上也能做到以60FPS的刷新率同时动画屏幕上的50个以上的layers。
layers和views只有接到通知的时候才进行重绘,另外如果needsDisplayOnBoundsChange被设置成true那么尺寸变化的时候也会重绘。之所以设计这种绘制系统就是因为重绘和缓存layer的内容十分消耗资源。应该尽可能的避免频繁重绘layer的内容,而是应该把内容切分到不同的layers或者views里面,然后独立对每个layer使用Core Animatio进行动画。如果需要动画一个变化的图形可以使用CAShapeLayer,这个比重绘每一帧高效的多。
所以,当使用CALayer绘制产生性能问题的时候,就只能采用OpenGL ES了。总体来说的原则是,使用Quartz2D和Core Animation能解决需求并没有性能问题的情况下,优先使用它。若性能不满足则换OpenGL ES,没有什么理由来使用CoreGraphics,除非绘制任务很轻松没有太大区别(只绘制一次不刷新面积也很小的情况下)。