

作者: 蓝天白云XM | 来源:发表于2023-03-24 11:26 被阅读0次

《My Teddy Bear》

My teddy bear has two eyes ,two eyes ,two eyes ,My teddy bear has two eyes,

I love my teddy bear.

My teddy bear has one nose ,one nose, one nose, my teddy bear has one nose, I love my teddy bear.

My teddy bear has two ears, two ears ,two ears, my teddy bear has two ears, I love my teddy bear.

My teddy bear has two arms, two arms ,two arms ,My teddy bear has two arms, I love my teddy bear.

My teddy bear has two legs ,two legs ,two legs, my teddy bear has two legs, I love my teddy bear.

My teddy bear has four paws,four paws,four paws,My teddy bear has four paws. I love my teddy bear.


They walked along arm in arm.他们臂挽着臂,一路走着。


All right ,here you go, two paws.好吧,来给你,握爪。


《The wheels on the bus》

The wheels on the bus go ,Round and round,Round and round,Round and round.


All through the town。围着城市转圈圈。

The door on the bus goes,Open and shut ,open and shut ,open and shut ,The door on the bus goes, open and shut.公共汽车上的门开了又关。

All through the town.

The wipers on the bus go ,swish swish swish,……

The wipers on the bus go ,Swish Swish Swish ,all through the town !公共汽车上的雨擦刷来刷去。

The horn on the bus goes, Beep beep beep……公共汽车上的喇叭嘟嘟嘟。

All through the town !

The people on the bus go ,up and down……公共汽车上的人上下颠。


All through the town!

The baby on the bus goes ,waa waa waa……公共汽车上的宝宝哇哇哭。

All through the town!

The mommy on the bus goes ,shh shh shh……公共汽车上的妈妈哄宝宝。The daddy on the bus goes, shh shh shh……

All through the town!穿过了小镇。

The mommy on the bus says,I love you.

The daddy on the bus says ,I love you too.

All through the town!



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