
作者: Jerry的英语课堂 | 来源:发表于2017-12-21 18:30 被阅读0次




1. The bird isinthe cage;

2. He put his handsinsidehis pockets.

3. Sara is divingintothe river;

4. They are waitingoutsidethe bank;

5. There is a small tablebesidemy bed;

6. Tom is gettingoutof the car;

7. The mug isonthe table;

8. The vase ison top ofthe bookshelf;

9. Austin isatthe bus stop;

10. Sam goes to schoolbybike;

11. Ruby is sittingnext toWendy;

12. Her home isnearour school.

13. Linda is goingtoLondon;

14. The letter isfromChicago;

15. Cici is walkingtowardsthe sun;

16. Katerine is runningaway fromthe fire;

17. There is a bridgeoverthe river;

18. The repairman isunderthe car;

19. The plane isabovethe clouds;

20. The temperature isbelowzero;

21. The car isin front ofthe bus;

22. The man isin the front ofthe bus;

23. The little boy isbehindthe bus;

24. The students are goingupthe stairs;

25. The teacher will comedownstairs soon;

26. The girl is runningacrossthe road;

27. The cars are goingthroughthe tunnel;

28. Alice is walkingalongthe street alone;

29. The car is goingpastthe house;

30. The house isamongthe trees;

31. The hospital isbetweenthe schoolandthe bookshop;

32. Austin is standingoppositeBlair;

33. They are runningaroundthe track.


1. in、on、at+时间。

a, in+年\季节\月份\一星期或更长时间\一天的一部分,如:

in 1988, in winter, in July, in this week,

in the summer holiday, in the morning;

b, on+一天,如:

on Monday, on July 27,

on Tuesday morning, on Chistmas Day;

c, at+具体时间\就餐时间\二天或三天,如:

at three o'clock, at lunch time, at Christmas

2. in、on、at+地点。

a, in+房间\城镇\国家,如:

in the kitchen, in the town,

in Shenzhen, in America;

b, on+楼层\路,如:

on the second floor, on the road;

c, at+旅途中的地点\住宅\地址\社交场合,如:

This train stops at Wuhan;

Don't worry, your son is at Tim's house now;

She lives at No. 30 Shuiwan Road.

They had a wonderful time at the party.

3. for, since, ago, before的用法。

a, for和since常用于现在完成时,for表示持续了多久,since表示从何时开始,如:

I have been waiting for twenty minutes;

Maria has been living here since last year.

b, ago常用于过去时,表示现在之前的一段时间,如:

I passed my driving test 5 years ago;

c, before常用于过去完成时,如:

Vicky finally received a reply to the letter she had written weeks before.

4. during、while、by、until、as、like的用法。

a, during还是while?during后是短语,while后是句子,如:

I often read during a meal;

I often read while I'm eating;

It happened during the night;

It happened while they were sleeping;

b, by还是until? (till是非正式的用法),如:

I'm very busy this week, I have to finish this report by thursday;

I'm very busy this week, I won't have any time until thursday;

I slept till ten o'clock;

c, as还是like?as表示工作或功能,like表示相似的情况,(as if用于从句之前), 如:

she works as a fashion model;

she dresses like a fashion model;

Jhon looks really awful, he looks as if he's been up all night.


1. 常见双词介词,如:

according to 按照;regardless of 不顾;

because of 因为; but for 要不是;

up to 直到;except for 除了;

2. 常见三词介词,如:

in addition to 除……以外

by means of 利用

in comparison with 与……相比

in point of 就……而言

3. 常见四词介词,如:

on the part of 在……方面

for the sake of 看在……的面子上

under the support of 在……的支持下

in the process of 在……的进程中


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