MySQL 给两次转置的结果集增加列头

MySQL 给两次转置的结果集增加列头

作者: 只是甲 | 来源:发表于2021-03-03 13:47 被阅读0次

    备注:测试数据库版本为MySQL 8.0


    create table it_research(deptno int, ename varchar(20));
    insert into it_research values (100,'HOPKINS');
    insert into it_research values (100,'JONES');
    insert into it_research values (100,'TONEY');
    insert into it_research values (200,'MORALES');
    insert into it_research values (200,'P.WHITAKER');
    insert into it_research values (200,'MARCIANO');
    insert into it_research values (200,'ROBINSON');
    insert into it_research values (300,'LACY');
    insert into it_research values (300,'WRIGHT');
    insert into it_research values (300,'J.TAYLOR');
    CREATE TABLE IT_APPS (deptno int,ename varchar(20));
    insert into it_apps values (400,'CORRALES');
    insert into it_apps values (400,'MAYWEATHER');
    insert into it_apps values (400,'CASTILLO');
    insert into it_apps values (400,'MARQUEZ');
    insert into it_apps values (400,'MOSLEY');
    insert into it_apps values (500,'GATTI');
    insert into it_apps values (500,'CALZAGHE');
    insert into it_apps values (600,'LAMOTTA');
    insert into it_apps values (600,'HAGLER');
    insert into it_apps values (600,'HEARNS');
    insert into it_apps values (600,'FRAZIER');
    insert into it_apps values (700,'GUINN');
    insert into it_apps values (700,'JUDAH');
    insert into it_apps values (700,'MARGARITO');



    mysql> select * from it_research;
    | deptno | ename |
    | 100 | HOPKINS |
    | 100 | JONES |
    | 100 | TONEY |
    | 200 | MORALES |
    | 200 | P.WHITAKER |
    | 200 | MARCIANO |
    | 200 | ROBINSON |
    | 300 | LACY |
    | 300 | WRIGHT |
    | 300 | J.TAYLOR |
    10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    mysql> select * from it_apps;
    | deptno | ename |
    | 400 | CORRALES |
    | 400 | MAYWEATHER |
    | 400 | CASTILLO |
    | 400 | MARQUEZ |
    | 400 | MOSLEY |
    | 500 | GATTI |
    | 500 | CALZAGHE |
    | 600 | LAMOTTA |
    | 600 | HAGLER |
    | 600 | HEARNS |
    | 600 | FRAZIER |
    | 700 | GUINN |
    | 700 | JUDAH |
    | 700 | MARGARITO |
    14 rows in set (0.00 sec)





    本解决方案只需要一个简单的堆叠及转置(合并后转置)并且再"拧"一次:deptno 一定在每个员工的ename之前。

    with tmp1 as
    select deptno,
           count(*) over (partition by deptno) cnt
    from it_apps
    order by deptno,ename 
    tmp2 as
    select 1 id union select 2 
    tmp3 as
    select deptno,
           row_number() over w1 as 'rn'
      from tmp1,tmp2
    window w1 as (partition by deptno order by id,ename)
    tmp4 as
    select 1 flag1,
           1 flag2,
           case when rn = 1 then deptno else concat('  ',ename) end it_dept
      from tmp3 
      where rn <= cnt + 1
    tmp5 as
    select deptno,
           count(*) over (partition by deptno) cnt
    from it_research
    order by deptno,ename 
    tmp6 as
    select deptno,
           row_number() over w2 as 'rn'
      from tmp5,tmp2
     window w2 as (partition by deptno order by id,ename)
    tmp7 as
    select 1 flag1,0 flag2,case when rn = 1 then deptno else concat('  ',ename) end it_dept
      from tmp6
      where rn <= cnt + 1
    tmp8 as
    select flag1,
     from tmp7
    union all
    select flag1,
     from tmp4
    tmp9 AS
    select flag1,
           row_number() over w3 as 'rn2'
      from tmp8
     window w3 as ()
    tmp10 as
    select sum(flag1) over (partition by flag2 order by flag1,rn2) flag,
      from tmp9
    select max(case when flag2 = 0 then it_dept end) research,
           max(case when flag2 = 1 then it_dept end) apps
      from tmp10
     group by flag
     order by flag 


    mysql> with tmp1 as
        -> (
        -> select deptno,
        ->        ename,
        ->        count(*) over (partition by deptno) cnt
        -> from it_apps
        -> order by deptno,ename
        -> ),
        -> tmp2 as
        -> (
        -> select 1 id union select 2
        -> ),
        -> tmp3 as
        -> (
        -> select deptno,
        ->        ename,
        ->        cnt,
        ->        row_number() over w1 as 'rn'
        ->   from tmp1,tmp2
        -> window w1 as (partition by deptno order by id,ename)
        -> ),
        -> tmp4 as
        -> (
        -> select 1 flag1,
        ->        1 flag2,
        ->        case when rn = 1 then deptno else concat('  ',ename) end it_dept
        ->   from tmp3
        ->   where rn <= cnt + 1
        -> )
        -> ,
        -> tmp5 as
        -> (
        -> select deptno,
        ->        ename,
        ->        count(*) over (partition by deptno) cnt
        -> from it_research
        -> order by deptno,ename
        -> ),
        -> tmp6 as
        -> (
        -> select deptno,
        ->        ename,
        ->        cnt,
        ->        row_number() over w2 as 'rn'
        ->   from tmp5,tmp2
        ->  window w2 as (partition by deptno order by id,ename)
        -> ),
        -> tmp7 as
        -> (
        -> select 1 flag1,0 flag2,case when rn = 1 then deptno else concat('  ',ename) end it_dept
        ->   from tmp6
        ->   where rn <= cnt + 1
        -> ),
        -> tmp8 as
        -> (
        -> select flag1,
        ->        flag2,
        ->        it_dept
        ->  from tmp7
        -> union all
        -> select flag1,
        ->        flag2,
        ->        it_dept
        ->  from tmp4
        -> ),
        -> tmp9 AS
        -> (
        -> select flag1,
        ->        flag2,
        ->        it_dept,
        ->        row_number() over w3 as 'rn2'
        ->   from tmp8
        ->  window w3 as ()
        -> ),
        -> tmp10 as
        -> (
        -> select sum(flag1) over (partition by flag2 order by flag1,rn2) flag,
        ->        flag2,
        ->        it_dept
        ->   from tmp9
        -> )
        -> select max(case when flag2 = 0 then it_dept end) research,
        ->        max(case when flag2 = 1 then it_dept end) apps
        ->   from tmp10
        ->  group by flag
        ->  order by flag ;
    | research     | apps         |
    | 100          | 400          |
    |   JONES      |   CORRALES   |
    |   TONEY      |   MARQUEZ    |
    |   HOPKINS    |   MAYWEATHER |
    | 200          |   MOSLEY     |
    |   MORALES    |   CASTILLO   |
    |   P.WHITAKER | 500          |
    |   ROBINSON   |   GATTI      |
    |   MARCIANO   |   CALZAGHE   |
    | 300          | 600          |
    |   LACY       |   HAGLER     |
    |   WRIGHT     |   HEARNS     |
    |   J.TAYLOR   |   LAMOTTA    |
    | NULL         |   FRAZIER    |
    | NULL         | 700          |
    | NULL         |   JUDAH      |
    | NULL         |   MARGARITO  |
    | NULL         |   GUINN      |
    18 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    2.1 分解求出it_apps各部门及员工


    mysql> with tmp1 as
        -> (
        -> select deptno,
        ->        ename,
        ->        count(*) over (partition by deptno) cnt
        -> from it_apps
        -> order by deptno,ename
        -> ),
        -> tmp2 as
        -> (
        -> select 1 id union select 2
        -> ),
        -> tmp3 as
        -> (
        -> select deptno,
        ->        ename,
        ->        cnt,
        ->        row_number() over w1 as 'rn'
        ->   from tmp1,tmp2
        -> window w1 as (partition by deptno order by id,ename)
        -> ),
        -> tmp4 as
        -> (
        -> select 1 flag1,
        ->        1 flag2,
        ->        case when rn = 1 then deptno else concat('  ',ename) end it_dept
        ->   from tmp3
        ->   where rn <= cnt + 1
        -> )
        -> select * from tmp4;
    | flag1 | flag2 | it_dept      |
    |     1 |     1 | 400          |
    |     1 |     1 |   CORRALES   |
    |     1 |     1 |   MARQUEZ    |
    |     1 |     1 |   MAYWEATHER |
    |     1 |     1 |   MOSLEY     |
    |     1 |     1 |   CASTILLO   |
    |     1 |     1 | 500          |
    |     1 |     1 |   GATTI      |
    |     1 |     1 |   CALZAGHE   |
    |     1 |     1 | 600          |
    |     1 |     1 |   HAGLER     |
    |     1 |     1 |   HEARNS     |
    |     1 |     1 |   LAMOTTA    |
    |     1 |     1 |   FRAZIER    |
    |     1 |     1 | 700          |
    |     1 |     1 |   JUDAH      |
    |     1 |     1 |   MARGARITO  |
    |     1 |     1 |   GUINN      |
    18 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    这个地方为什么要有tmp2,一个id为1 和 2 的表,其实因为第一行要显示deptno,后面的才是ename,所以此时应该是n+1,如果只是n,这个地方deptno带不出来。
    tmp3就是在tmp1和tmp2的基础上进行了加工,记住order by这个地方一定要正确,不然数据会不准确

    tmp3加工完成后,根据每个deptno rn为1的则显示deptno,从2到n+1遍历ename,根据rn <= cnt + 1来进行控制

    mysql> select deptno,
        ->        ename,
        ->        count(*) over (partition by deptno) cnt
        -> from it_apps
        -> order by deptno,ename ;
    | deptno | ename      | cnt |
    |    400 | CASTILLO   |   5 |
    |    400 | CORRALES   |   5 |
    |    400 | MARQUEZ    |   5 |
    |    400 | MAYWEATHER |   5 |
    |    400 | MOSLEY     |   5 |
    |    500 | CALZAGHE   |   2 |
    |    500 | GATTI      |   2 |
    |    600 | FRAZIER    |   4 |
    |    600 | HAGLER     |   4 |
    |    600 | HEARNS     |   4 |
    |    600 | LAMOTTA    |   4 |
    |    700 | GUINN      |   3 |
    |    700 | JUDAH      |   3 |
    |    700 | MARGARITO  |   3 |
    14 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select 1 id union select 2 ;
    | id |
    |  1 |
    |  2 |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> with tmp1 as
        -> (
        -> select deptno,
        ->        ename,
        ->        count(*) over (partition by deptno) cnt
        -> from it_apps
        -> order by deptno,ename
        -> ),
        -> tmp2 as
        -> (
        -> select 1 id union select 2
        -> )
        -> select deptno,
        ->        ename,
        ->        cnt,
        ->        row_number() over w1 as 'rn'
        ->   from tmp1,tmp2
        -> window w1 as (partition by deptno order by id,ename)
        -> ;
    | deptno | ename      | cnt | rn |
    |    400 | CASTILLO   |   5 |  1 |
    |    400 | CORRALES   |   5 |  2 |
    |    400 | MARQUEZ    |   5 |  3 |
    |    400 | MAYWEATHER |   5 |  4 |
    |    400 | MOSLEY     |   5 |  5 |
    |    400 | CASTILLO   |   5 |  6 |
    |    400 | CORRALES   |   5 |  7 |
    |    400 | MARQUEZ    |   5 |  8 |
    |    400 | MAYWEATHER |   5 |  9 |
    |    400 | MOSLEY     |   5 | 10 |
    |    500 | CALZAGHE   |   2 |  1 |
    |    500 | GATTI      |   2 |  2 |
    |    500 | CALZAGHE   |   2 |  3 |
    |    500 | GATTI      |   2 |  4 |
    |    600 | FRAZIER    |   4 |  1 |
    |    600 | HAGLER     |   4 |  2 |
    |    600 | HEARNS     |   4 |  3 |
    |    600 | LAMOTTA    |   4 |  4 |
    |    600 | FRAZIER    |   4 |  5 |
    |    600 | HAGLER     |   4 |  6 |
    |    600 | HEARNS     |   4 |  7 |
    |    600 | LAMOTTA    |   4 |  8 |
    |    700 | GUINN      |   3 |  1 |
    |    700 | JUDAH      |   3 |  2 |
    |    700 | MARGARITO  |   3 |  3 |
    |    700 | GUINN      |   3 |  4 |
    |    700 | JUDAH      |   3 |  5 |
    |    700 | MARGARITO  |   3 |  6 |
    28 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    2.2 it_apps与it_research进行拼接



    此时就可以知道 flag1和flag2的作用了,flag2用来区别是 apps还是research,flag1根据flag2的区别进行累计求和,然后根据新的flag来进行group by,这样就可以将apps和research进行展示了






          本文标题:MySQL 给两次转置的结果集增加列头
