09-Origami中文帮助-Workflow-Patch Or

09-Origami中文帮助-Workflow-Patch Or

作者: Dosen | 来源:发表于2016-07-15 00:29 被阅读51次


    这是我学习quartz composer,Origami,看官方文档翻译下来的,每天一篇,有不准确的地方希望能指出,一起交流进步。转载请与我联系,擅自转载视作侵权。

    Patch Organization      模块组织

    It's easy to get lost in all the crossing cables. Here are some tips to help you organize your document.


    Name patches       重命名模块

    You can give any patch a custom name by double clicking the title or selecting the patch and pressing⏎. It's often helpful to give patches names that describe what they're doing in the context of your prototype. For example, if you had a Switch patch responsible for switching a photo between a thumbnail (off) and full screen state (on), you could name the Switch "Photo is Fullscreen". It would be clear immediately what that chain of patches is responsible for and what the on state of the Switch represents.


    Create notes      创建注释

    Notes can be useful to describe what sections of patches are responsible for in your prototype. Add a node by right-clicking on the document and selectingAdd Note....


    Organize patches left to right      从左到右组织模块

    Since patches take inputs from the left and output to the right, it makes sense to arrange them from left to right. Generally blue patches always on the right, since they don't have outputs.


    Organizing all Layers so they are vertically stacked in their Layer order will help make the document more readable. Use⌘◀or⌘▶to align patches arranged in a column.

    组织所有层按照它们的顺序垂直的堆叠会让文件更有可读性。使用 ⌘◀ 或 ⌘▶ 使模块成一列。

    Group related Layers to reduce cable clutter  将有关联的层成组减少混乱的线

    UseLayer Groupsto hold multiple Layers that animate together. For example, if you're sliding up a window with multiple layers inside of it, putting those layers in a layer group will let you just animate up that one group up instead of needing to have cables connected to several different layers.

    将一起动画的一些层使用Layer Groups(层组)成组。例如:如果你一个有很多层在里面的窗口,把那些层放在一个Layer Groups里,你只要给这一个组动画就可以了,而不必用线连接很多不同的层。

    Use wireless patches to broadcast common values  使用无线模块播送通用值

    Wireless BroadcasterandWireless Receivercan send values across your composition without the use of cables. A Broadcaster will make a value available anywhere in the same document. A Receiver can receive a value from any Broadcaster.


    There are a couple types of values that are particularly useful to broadcast:


    ~Static values used in different places across your prototype. For example, say you had a padding value that you used to lay out a bunch of different parts of your UI. You'd just need to change one broadcaster and the different elements of your prototype would adjust accordingly.


    ~State values from patches like Switch, Index Switch, Counter, Conditional, etc. It's common to use the same state value in several different places in your composition - so it's often helpful to name it through the wireless system and have access to it anywhere on the graph.


    Create a Broadcaster by pressingWwhile hovering on an output, or on a blank space in the document. A Broadcaster made from an output will automatically inherit the type, whereas a Broadcaster on a blank space will default to Virtual (which means you need to manually change it to a different type with Patch Settings⌘2if you want to assign it a value directly).


    Create a Receiver by pressingWwhile hovering on an input. It will automatically be connected to the last-placed Wireless Broadcaster (however the name may not be reflected until you deselect the Receiver). You can change the Broadcaster in thePatch Settings⌘2in the dropdown.


    Macros to hide complex logic      用宏隐藏复杂的逻辑

    Similarly to grouping Layers, you can useCreate Macroto create bundles of logic. Generally you should group logic that when combined has an easily described purpose, for example "Scroll Speed Detector". You can make Macros within Macros as well.

    类似于给层打组,你可以使用Create Macro创建逻辑的包。通常给有共同目的的逻辑打组,比如"滚动速度监测器"。你也可以在一个宏内创建宏。


    Often when you group, the labels of the ports are unhelpful and generic. Rename the ports by selecting the Macro and pressing⌘3to accessInput & Output Settings. Double-click on a port to rename.

    经常当你打组时,接口的标签是没用的,选住这个宏并按下⌘3进入Input & Output Settings里重命名接口。在接口上双击重命名。

    Sometimes you may have a Macro that you keep using over and over again. In these cases it may make sense to add it to yourPatch Library. Once you've made a Macro, go into the Macro, select all the patches and hitAdd to Library. Fill in the information (the patch preview will show incorrect names for the inputs/outputs at first). Once you've added it, you can re-use it anywhere — even share it with teammates.

    有时候,如果你一遍又一遍地使用一个宏,把它添加进你的模块库也许更有意义。进入你制作的这个宏力,选择所有模块然后点击Add to Library,填上信息。如果你添加到了库,你可以在任何地方使用它,甚至把它分享给你的团队成员。

    Publishing inputs and outputs      发布输入和输出

    With Layer Groups and Macros, it maybe confusing at first how to send values in or out of the group. You can publish inputs/outputs up a level by right-clicking on a patch and selecting the port you want to publish, or by hovering on a port and pressingP.

    Layer Groups和Macros,可能一开始会困惑如何让一个值从一个组输入或输出,你可以在一个模块上右键点击发布输入/输出来使这个属性在上一层级也能看到,选择你想要发布的接口,或者悬停在一个接口上按下‘P’。


    However, right-clicking does not work to send inputsfrom the outsideinto a Layer Group/Macro. Instead, you can drag any cable onto a Layer Group/Macro, and it will automatically create a splitter within that is published with the name you enter.


    You can reorder and rename the ports on a Layer Group/Macro by accessingInput & Output Settings(select the patch,⌘3). Drag the port names to reorder.

    你可以通过Input & Output Settings对层组/宏上的接口重新排序或命名(选中模块,⌘3),拖动接口的名字重新排列。



        本文标题:09-Origami中文帮助-Workflow-Patch Or
