python return 翻车记

python return 翻车记

作者: zd200572 | 来源:发表于2017-08-22 16:43 被阅读0次

不是最近在学think Python嘛,失败的是已经完全按照作者答案的算法改写了程序,竟然还是得到的结果不一样。一句一句地分析,花了很长时间,才发现是return语句用错了,放在了程序中间,导致程序提前结束,后边的语句不可能执行的,也是醉了。
def is_pallindrome_number():
list = []
for i in range(198888, 200000):
j = str(i)
if j[::-1][:4] == j[2:]:

            if str(i + 1)[::-1][:5] == str(i + 1)[1:]:
                if str(i + 2)[::-1][1:5] == str(i + 2)[1:5]:
                    if str(i + 3)[::-1] == str(i + 3):
                        #这是才开始我的return语句位置return list
    return list 

from future import print_function, division

def has_palindrome(i, start, length):
"""Checks if the string representation of i has a palindrome.

i: integer
start: where in the string to start
length: length of the palindrome to check for
s = str(i)[start:start+length]
return s[::-1] == s

def check(i):
"""Checks if the integer (i) has the desired properties.

i: int
return (has_palindrome(i, 2, 4) and
has_palindrome(i+1, 1, 5) and
has_palindrome(i+2, 1, 4) and
has_palindrome(i+3, 0, 6))

def check_all():
"""Enumerate the six-digit numbers and print any winners.
i = 100000
while i <= 999996:
if check(i):
i = i + 1

print('The following are the possible odometer readings:')


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      本文标题:python return 翻车记
