Both the lower and upper streams feed their “output” into the prefrontal cortex, making that region your headquarters for integrating the two streams, for putting your emotion-based, more subjective experience together with your more objective, cooler-headed, and “cognitive” way of making sense of what is going on.
Damage to the prefrontal cortex makes this integration difficult or even impossible in more severe cases. (The most famous case in neuroscience is that of Phineas Gage, who suffered damage to his prefrontal cortex that destroyed the vital connections between his ventral and dorsal systems. Search “Phineas Gage” on the Internet to read about his 19th-century experience.)
(神经科学中最著名的例子是菲尼亚斯·盖奇,他的前额叶皮层受到损害,破坏了腹侧和背侧系统之间的重要联系。在网上搜索“Phineas Gage”,了解他的经历)