Study a good habit

Study a good habit

作者: 高天皓 | 来源:发表于2020-10-06 11:26 被阅读0次

          学校:包头五中    班级:初一五班(370班)    姓名:高天皓

        Eating has the habit of eating。Life has the habit of living。And study also has study habit naturally!

        While studying,A good study habit will benefit us all our life!Habits should be formed from the foundation,For example:undivided attention,devotion;Love to think,Love to observe,Love to ask questions……And so on.Of course, there are some habits that are worth developing。

        Take notes,It is one of the important habits。As the old saying goes:“Better a bad memory than a bad pen。”It's impossible to remember anything just by thinking about it,So some people advocate the combination of hand and brain。

        Back to school,The Chinese teacher asked us to recite a text,It is easy to read and recite the first time。Slowly,the time began to pass,the memory of the article in the brain gradually dissipated。Therefore,this time we should use the pen on the paper to write repeatedly,let the article deep “imprint”in my mind!

        The formation of study habits is a lifetime thing。So from now on,we should develop good study habits,can let us go further and further on the road of learning and growth,set sail!



          本文标题:Study a good habit
