Management _Robbins _note 1.

Management _Robbins _note 1.

作者: 十年磨剑的简书 | 来源:发表于2019-11-21 10:47 被阅读0次

The first manage class: the ABC's of managing your Time.

  1. Make and keep a list of all your current, upcoming, and routine goals. Know what needs to be done daily, weekly, and monthly.
  2. Rank your goals according to importance. Not all goals are of equal importance. Given the limitations on your time, you want to make sure you give highest priority to the most important goals.
  3. List the activities/tasks necessary to achieve your goals. What specific actions do you need to take to achieve your goals?
  4. Divide these activities/tasks into categories using an A, B and C classification. The A's are important and urgent. B's are either important or urgent, but not both. C's are routine---not important nor urgent, but still need to be done.
  5. Schedule your activities/tasks according to the priorities you've set. Prepare a daily plan. Every morning, or at the end of the previous workday, make a list of the five or so most important things you want to do for the day. Then set priorities for the activities listed on the basis of importance and urgency.
  6. Plan your to-do list each day so that it includes a mixture of A, B, and C activities/tasks. And it's best to spread the three types of tasks throughout your day so you're not lumping together all your demanding tasks. Also, be realistic about what you can achieve in a given time period.
  7. Recognize that technology makes it too easy to stay connected. Just think for a moment how many phone calls, e-mails, texts, postings on social media, and unscheduled visitors you receive on a typical day. Some are essential to the tasks at hand, while others are distractions that do not require immediate attention. Prioritize the importance of this information.
  8. Realize that priorities may change as your day or week proceeds. New information may change a task's importance or urgency. As you get new information, reassess your list of priorities and respond accordingly.
  9. Remember that your goal is to manage getting your work done as efficiently and effectively as you can. It's not to become an expert at creating to-do lists. Find what works best for you and use it.

What is manager?
Manager is someone who coordinates and oversees the work of other people so organizational goals can be accomplished.

What can a great boss do?

  1. Inspire you professionally and personally.
  2. Energize you and your coworkers to accomplish things together that you couldn't get done by yourself.
  3. Provide coaching and guidance with problems.
  4. Provide you feedback on how you're doing.
  5. Help you to improve your performance.
  6. Keep you informed of organizational changes.
  7. Change your life.

What do managers do?

  1. Management. Coordinating and overseeing the work activities of others so their activities are completed efficiently and effectively.
  2. Efficiency. Doing things right, or getting the most output from the least amount of inputs.
  3. Effectiveness. Doing the right things, or doing those work activities that will result in achieving goals.


按: 总得说来还是喜欢国外的教材, 它们一般把学生当智障看待, 喜欢像中国古人那样把知识掰开了揉碎了告诉你, 一步步讲, 案例也比较多, 就像这本管理学教材一样. 尽管很贵...



      本文标题:Management _Robbins _note 1.
