
作者: 养成系菜菜在成长 | 来源:发表于2018-11-25 14:24 被阅读0次

When: 31st, Oct.

Where: Foreign countries (At Halloween, yards, public spaces, and some houses may be decorated with traditionally macabre <horrible> symbols including witches, skeletons, ghosts, cobwebs, and headstones <gravestone, a stone on a grave with the name of a dead person written on it)

Who: Western Christians and non-Christians around the world

Why: originated from ancient Celtic harvest festivals

How: Trick-or-Treating, costume parties, making jack-o-lanterns, lighting bonfires, divination, apple bobbing (a game played with putting apples in a large basin full of water),  visiting haunted attractions 

Why Halloween is related to horrible costumes?

Elements of the autumn season such as pumpkins, corn husks and  scarecrows are also prevalent. Homes are often decorated with these types of symbols around Halloween. Halloween imagery includes themes of death, evil, and mythical monsters. Black, orange, and sometimes purple are Halloween's traditional colors.



