这部分主要介绍了可以参数化的曲线和曲面,包括Bezier曲线,Bezier曲面, B样条曲线, Wiki上有非常全面的介绍。
Conversion between triangular and rectangular Bezier patches, Shi-Min Hu, 2001.
M. A. Watkins and A. J. Worsey, Degree reduction of Bézier curves, Computer Aided Design, 20(7), 1988, 398-405
胡事民、孙家广、金通光等,Approximate degree reduction of Bézier curves, Tsinghua Science and Technology, No.2, 1998, 997-1000. (was reported in national CAGD conference, 1993), 46 citation
雍俊海、胡事民、孙家广等,Degree reduction of B- spline curves, Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2001, Vol. 13, NO. 2, 2001, 117-127. 38 citation
Hoppe H, DeRose T, Duchamp T, Mesh Optimization, Computer Graphics, 1993,27-4,19-26.
Hoppe H, Progressive Meshes, Computer Graphics, 1996, 30-4, 99-108.
Garland M., Heckbert P S., Surface simplification using quadric error matrix, Computer Graphics, 1997, 209-216.
Turner Whitted , An improved illumination model for shaded display, Communications of the ACM, v.23 n.6, p.343-349, June 1980.
On Linear Variational Surface Deformation Methods, Botsch & Sorkine, 08.
Tutorial: Interactive Shape Modeling and Deformation, Sorkine & Botsch, 09.
Image deformation using moving least squares, Schaefer, 06.
Mean Value Coordinates for Closed Triangular Meshes, Ju, 05.
Harmonic coordinates for character articulation, Joshi, 07.
Green Coordinates, Lipman, 08.
Complex Barycentric Coordinate with Applications to Planar Shape Deformation, Weber, 09.
Zhang Yuan, Deng Guoyi
1. Active Exploration of Large 3D Model Repositories, Gao Lin.
2. Dynamic 2D/3D Registration for the Kinect, Sofien Bouaziz.
3. Modeling from Contour Drawings, Vladislav Kraevoy.