Produce 101 public opinion data
网媒1501班 20151302909 何怡婷
These data are about produce 101. Produce 101 should be heard and seenby many people." produce 101 " is the first youthgrowth program for China's women's team launched by Tencent video,whichbrought together 101 idol women's trainee,through tasks, training, and examination, trainee can grow upunder the training of star instructors.Finally, 11 female trainee were elected by popular vote to form abrand-new idol group to make their debut. The finals ended on June 23. Mengmeiqi, Wuxuanyi, yangchaoyue, Duanaojuan,yamy, Laimeiyun, Zining, Yangyunqing, Liziting, FuJing, and Xumengjie formed agroup of 11 rocket girls 101 to make their debut. The heat generated by produce 101 in just three monthsis very high. It gained a wave of controversy before it started broadcasting because it involved copying Korean variety shows.Let's not mention the heat after it startedbroadcasting. This data report chooses the public opinion data about produce101 in the 24 hours from June 24 to June 25, 2018. The data comes from Sina Weibo's micro hot spots website. I analyzed the heat index, communication analysis,word-of-mouth analysis and micro-blog emotion of produce 101 in this 24 - hour period.
The figure above shows the trend of heat change of produce 101from 2 p.m. on the 24th to 2 p.m. on the 25th. Judging fromthe changing trend of heat index, the heat of produce 101 reached a peak of92.64 at 10: 00 on June 25, 2018. After 10 o'clock, the heat index continued to drop.
This data refers to the distribution of the relevant information of the keyword on the original platform, i.e. weibo, client, wechat, forum and website ( news, government affairs, newspapers, websites, blogs, foreign media,videos ) within the specified time frame.
Looking from the chart, weibo is the main source of information for creating 101. The number is much larger thanthat of other platforms, reaching about 2500000.
This is the distribution of friendliness of produce 101,which proportion of non-sensitive information of this keyword on theoriginal platform of relevant information. Still, weibo accounts for thelargest proportion. Therefore, we can see that weibo is the fermentationpoint for produce 101 hot spots.
This is the percentage of audience emotions counted from the weibo platform.Joy accounted for the vast majority, reaching 53.05 %. Fromthis we can see that creating 101 this program has brought a good sense ofexperience to most people watching it.