绘本讲师训练营【15期】3/21 -Higher! Higher

绘本讲师训练营【15期】3/21 -Higher! Higher

作者: 小蔚_5c0b | 来源:发表于2018-07-03 03:24 被阅读0次

15103-崔玲蔚-—kevin&Wendy Day2

今天跟Kevin共读的是他自己也可以读出来的higher! Higher! 这是一本Leslie Patricelli的一本书,之前很偶然的机会买到的这本书,画风很特别,一开始我以为是印刷的问题,感觉画面脏脏的,后来查了一下原来这就是它的特点,给Kevin讲了,他特别喜欢,就一套书囤了,也就是这次上网查了一下,发现这套书居然是0-3岁翻牌儿最高的亚马逊五星级绘本系列-一根毛系列。

绘本讲师训练营【15期】3/21 -Higher! Higher!

整本绘本就一句话,Higher!higher!封面上是一个小女孩在玩秋千,Do you see a little girl on the cover? And her daddy way down there. The girl is so high on a swing. Can you swing this has high?

绘本讲师训练营【15期】3/21 -Higher! Higher!

翻开环衬故事就已经开始了,小女孩骑大马,piggy back,猜测一下要去哪,然后一人分饰多角的戏精妈妈就上线了!daddy, Get down please, put me down! Swing! Help me get on the swing! Push me please! 爸爸上线,ok, hold tight! Here we go! 然后小女孩上线:daddy,I am flying! I am a bird now! Higher, higher! Here is a giraffe. He has long long neck! 然后她看到了tall building, dog, cat, three kids, 然后又到了snow mountain, there is an mountain climber, he gives the girl a thumb up! 然后到airplane, 会讲一讲有谁在飞机上,然后是飞出了太空,会结合之前Kevin喜欢的儿歌,Zoom Zoom! 然后是看到了rocket,Kevin认识一些动物,所以我会指着问,inside the rocket,there is a,他自己会回答monkey. 然后又遇到了monster,我会故意假装害怕的声音问:who are you?然后慢慢的放松,打招呼high five, 道别,然后开始慢慢的下降,

绘本讲师训练营【15期】3/21 -Higher! Higher!

然后跟看到的事物逐一告别,每一页都有惊喜和小心思,比如飞机里的妈妈跟大楼里妈妈一样,然后回来的时候大楼里的妈妈就没有了,Down to the mountain...然后回到爸爸的怀抱,Daddy, you catch me!I saw a...带着Kevin又回忆了一下看到的东西,然后戏精爸爸再次上线:Do you want to go home? No, again, please! 故事讲完了,带着Kevin做拓展活动。




    本文标题:绘本讲师训练营【15期】3/21 -Higher! Higher
