Jesscia_Liu:引用google提供的一段话 -drawViewHierarchyInRect:afterScreenUpdates:YES is buggy as of iOS 8.3. Using it afterScreenUpdates:YES creates unexpected GPU glitches, screen redraws during animations, broken pinch to dismiss on tablet, etc. For now only using this with WKWebView, which depends on -drawViewHierarchyInRect. TODO(justincohen): Remove this (and always use drawViewHierarchyInRect) once the iOS 8 bugs have been fixed.
-drawViewHierarchyInRect:afterScreenUpdates:YES is buggy as of iOS 8.3. Using it afterScreenUpdates:YES creates unexpected GPU glitches, screen redraws during animations, broken pinch to dismiss on tablet, etc. For now only using this with WKWebView, which depends on -drawViewHierarchyInRect. TODO(justincohen): Remove this (and always use drawViewHierarchyInRect) once the iOS 8 bugs have been fixed.