

作者: 冬晓月光 | 来源:发表于2019-02-15 16:45 被阅读0次

mop the floor before leaving走之前把地拖了

see how mess it is 看看多乱

tidy up your room 把你的房间整理好

approach,then you can see better走近些,你就能看清了

find some place to sit by yourself自己找地方坐下来

I can't help it 我也无能为力

we grow in wisdom as we grow older 越老越有智慧

your mind is sharp 你头脑还蛮清楚的

you are absent minded 你一点都不专心

collect those pretty stones if you like 那些漂亮的石头,如果你喜欢就收集起来吧

confess what you have done 说说(承认:这里指的是做错的事)刚才都做了什么

you should be ashamed 你真该感到惭愧

I feel puzzle about it 我对此感到困惑

sorry to disturb you 不好意思打扰一下

l have no time for playing 我没时间玩儿

dog is a faithful animal 狗是忠诚的动物

that's ridiculous那太不可思议了

you must be disappointed你一定很失望

how did you get the idea 你怎么想到的?

you are so creative 你真有创意

you look like a prince/princess 你看起来像个小王子/小公主

hold your pee, let's go faster 憋住,我们走快点儿

who cut the cheese 谁放屁了?(美国俚语)

I didn't mean to do it 我不是故意的

draw a flower with 5 petals 画一朵有5个花瓣的花

the wind blow the leaves away风把树叶吹走了

did you say sorry?你说过后悔了吗

the fireworks are fabulous  烟花真漂亮

they are flashing in the sky 它们在空中很绚烂

how beautiful it is 真是太美了

i would take it into account

i will consider about it

i'd like to think about it deeply


pile up those stones 把那些石头堆起来

you are no thicker than a finger 你看起来太瘦了

i am out of breath now 我已经上气不接下气了

pull some water into the flour加点水到面粉里

stir it hard 使劲搅拌

is it sticky? 粘手吗?

oh,slips of the tongue 哦,口误

you have wasted all the time 你浪费了所有的时间

are you afraid of jack-in-the-box你怕盒子里弹起来的玩具吗

eyes on me 看着我

i know it's hard to say sorry 我知道说对不起有点难

but you can take a breath and say it slowly但你可以深吸一口气,慢慢说

that's a big step这是个很大的进步(有时候可以用来说进步等抽象概念)

it's my turn该我了

you are rocking on the stones你站在石头上摇摆

dance to music跟着音乐跳舞

which is your favourite animal?你最喜欢的动物是什么

what are you worried about 你在担心什么

who invented compass?谁发明了指南针

i will zip my mouth我会守口如瓶的

have a nice tome in hot spring 好好享受温泉


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