Thematic Vocabulary: Airport

作者: 赤蛇 | 来源:发表于2024-12-02 23:07 被阅读0次

Airport Ambassadors 机场大使

Airport Courier Service 机场托运服务

Airport Express 机场快线

Airport Lost and Found 机场失物招领处

Arrivals Hall (抵达)大厅

Automated People Mover 自动旅客捷运系统

baby stroller 婴儿推车

bag tags 行李标签

baggage packing and wrapping service 行李打包及包装服务

baggage reclaim carousel 行李提取传送带

Baggage Reclaim Hall 行李提取大厅

boarding pass 登机牌

check-in 办理登机手续

Children Play and TV Areas 儿童游乐及电视区

complimentary shower facilities 免费淋浴设施

connecting flight 转机

Courtesy Channel 礼遇通道

Customs and Excise control 海关和消费税控制

goods to declare 申报货物

Hong Kong Tourism Board 香港旅游局

hotel coaches 酒店摆渡车

Immigration Hall 入境大厅



    本文标题:Thematic Vocabulary: Airport
