外刊精读|seasonal depression

外刊精读|seasonal depression

作者: Louise成长记呀 | 来源:发表于2022-10-02 10:18 被阅读0次

@友邻外刊20221002Fall is the season for building mindfulness and resilience


Some people are struggling with seasonal depression. Changes of this season might signal our mortality based on some psychological studies.

One way to solve this is to lean into it to cultivate uncertainty. For example, bike through a neighborhood that you have never been without a map.

Another strategy is to step back and observe this world. Stop thinking and analyzing.

Autumn will probably always hold some whisper of decay and mortality for humans. But embracing that sadness is important.

Honestly, I use these two strategies a lot and it works! Do something new, even a new restaurant try. I always enjoy that kind of feeling with being thrilled and excited together. That might called uncertainty cultivation. Besides, I always imagine  I am an observer of this world, loving watch passengers and talk to strangers. 

Maybe it deserves a try for you.

风景旧曾谙 自己一个人跑步在河边 喂鸽子头一次 莫斯科河当时的无比兴奋 今日导图超级清晰



      本文标题:外刊精读|seasonal depression
