她有一个事业成功生活精致的姐姐,她却总是拿她姐姐喝醉酒时做的蠢事拿她开玩笑,即使对姐姐来说非常羞耻;当她姐姐尝试在道别时跟她拥抱的时候,她一挥手就打开了,一脸奇怪地看着姐姐,“I thought you were to hit me! Please don`t do it again, it`s not like us.”
她有过一个很爱她的男朋友,而她却总是在做爱的时候以自慰的方式达到高潮;他不止一次跟她分手,但每次都会把公寓打扫的干干净净然后收拾东西离开,而他也总是会留下一个属于他的东西,作为回来的借口,而她却在觉得公寓需要打扫的时候跟男朋友说“I think we are not good.”但在最后一次她这样戏弄的,前男友有了新的女朋友。
她的母亲因为乳腺癌去世,她们的教母变成了继母,在母亲祭日的这一天,继母一边称赞姐姐戴的仓兰美丽一边说“they are fitful for there”把它们放在了门口;继母一边说着“today Is a very sad day, let`s have some drink”然后拿来了香槟。
She had a pretty buddy call,he liked to come in from the back, and said she was the only one who accepted. And finally he can`t erect, and she thought maybe when a buddy call raised to a lover, such a complex relationship makes someone can`t erect. And woke up in the morning, he looked her in the eyes with a thoughtful mind, said, “ I have something to tell u, but..eh..maybe sometime later…” then later, he met her and said, “ about the thing happened last night, I think I fell in love with a girl…”
“and I should let go of all other relationships,”
Then she was dropped, and before the final sentence “her”, she thought the “her” is a “u”.
Her sister dropped by with her husband, which meant that she gave up the opportunity of working in Finland, which, was her drama working place with a excellent great high position, for the reason of her wired step-son who can`t leave without her, even when she had a bath and the 15-year-old boy would drop in, and for her husband as well, all the more so because of her responsibility for the family ,despite that she told her about her husband kissed her sister in her birthday party and sent her a present which her sister stole from their step-mother and were to ask him to sold. Then, she went nonsense with no sound in her ears when she dropped the cups in the middle place of her step-mother`s sxihibiton.
这个故事还有一条时间线,她有一个很好的朋友,她们一起逛街吐槽对方的打扮,一起经营咖啡馆,她觉得自己应该对现状不满但自己又没能做到还继续混混沌沌而更加不爽自己的时候,小波拿起她的衣服出门,然后穿着她的衣服进门,说“say it, what u want to say to her, say it.”

我不敢说女主是一个品行优良的人,但是不知道为什么,当她总是强装自己很好一切都很好的时候,当她放走了继母家的猫的时候,当她拼命劝说一直关系尴尬的姐姐去芬兰工作的时候,当她说“i`m completely fucking alone.”的时候,当她尝试自杀而不得的时候,我还是觉得自己产生了一种悲悯的感觉,可能现在她身上所有的放纵和无所谓都是因为自责和孤独。整部剧自然是完美地诠释了人们生活的压力和无奈,然而我记得的却是小波说,因为人们会犯错,所以铅笔才有橡皮头。在故事的结尾,当她得到了银行的贷款可以继续经营咖啡馆的时候,可能也是她改变自责的方式,重新开始的一个暗示吧,谁又不会犯错,能够原谅自己这种话我还是不说了,但是,留下来的人也要学会消化这种自责的情绪,life goes on.
