What happens if you give a marshmallow to a child and tell them that if they wait instead of eating it right away,they will get more marshmallows as a reward ?
如果你给小朋友一颗棉花糖,并且告诉他们如果能忍住不立刻吃掉,就能得到更多的棉花糖作为奖励 ,你觉得小朋友们会作何选择呢 ?
It turns out that children who restrained themselves for more marshmallows also went on to fare better in a whole host of areas of life .
事实证明 ,那些为了能得到更多棉花糖而约束自己不立刻吃掉的小朋友 ,长大以后在人生的各个层面都发展的更为优秀 。
This was the revelation in the famous Marshmallow Experiment which identified delayed gratification to be a key quality for success in life.
这就是著名的棉花糖实验带给我们的启示 ,这项实验也告诉我们,延迟满足是人生成功的关键 。
Holding out for the optimal instead of caving in to the temptation is far more likely to help you achieve better outcomes.
坚持等候最好的,而不是轻易屈服于诱惑 ,能够极大增加取得优异成果的概率 。
But how do we improve our willpower and discipline to get better at delaying gratification ?
但是我们如何提升自己的意志力和纪律性,以便更好的理解延迟满足呢 ?
The key is to start small. Make your new habit so easy that you can't say no.
关键就是从小事做起,给自己制定一个非常简单的新习惯,简单到你无法拒绝 。
Improve one thing by one percent every day. Do it again tomorrow. Are you ready for the change ?
每天提升一点点,哪怕只是1%的进步 ,然后第二天再提升一点,你准备好改变了吗 ?