流利说L5U3P2-3:Verbs About Informat

流利说L5U3P2-3:Verbs About Informat

作者: 七小满 | 来源:发表于2020-06-09 07:32 被阅读0次

I'mMaintain维持维护, to preserve or keep things as they are.

Our quality is excellent, so your job is to maintain our high standards and improve them if you can.

These historic buildings are very old and need to be maintained.

(Because of economic competition, maintaining peaceful relations isn't easy.)

(The house was very well maintained, even though it was extremely old.)

(After their divorce they managed to maintain fairly good relations because of their children.)

Disrupt破坏扰乱, to cause disorder or confusion.

Smartphones have disrupted the way we live our lives.

Investors want to invest in companies that disrupt the way things are done.

(When the volcano erupted,it disrupted air travel in the region for almost two weeks.)

(His presence in the office is disruptive, so we need to get rid of him as soon as possible.)

(Sometimes disruptive technologies change the world in ways we don't like.)

Settle解决,to calm things down or end a conflict or disagreement.

He is too upset to think clearly, so he needs to settle down.

If we can't agree, we'll have to go to court to settle our differences.

(They refuse to negotiate, so I'm afraid the only way to settle the dispute will be through war.)

(With the development of agriculture,humans could settle down and form .permanent  communities)

Solve,to figure out or find the answer or solution to a problem.

The problem is difficult, so we need to find a way to solve it.

We can't solve that problem without using a computer.

(He is very good at solving difficult problems,even under pressure.)

(Once they solved the problem, they realized that there were several solutions to choose from.)

(They couldn't solve the problem until they could clearly define it.)

Prove, to use evidence or logic to support an idea.

The police had to release him because they couldn't prove that he committed the crime.

The best way to prove that something can be done is to do it.

(In mathematics, students learn how to use logic to prove things.)

(She wants proof that I love her,but what does that mean:an expensive diamond ring?)

Exchange, to swap or change one thing for another.

When we buy something, we exchange money for the product.

In the human body, oxygen is exchanged for CO2 in the lungs.

(During the prisoner exchange,one of the prisoners tried to escape.)

(In a meeting two people may exchange looks by nodding heads or showing emotions.)

(When they exchanged smiles,I knew we were close to an agreement.)

Cooperate, to work together or collaborate.

Instead of competing with each other, we should cooperate.

A good manager can get people to cooperate, even if they are on different teams.

(We need him to cooperate instead of refusing to work with us.)

(He wants to do things his own way and refuses to cooperate,so we should get rid of him.)

Capture捕获, to catch and hold something, the opposite of release释放.

The prisoners escaped, but they were captured within a few days.

In war, armies try to capture territory and defeat their enemies on the battlefield.

(After only a short conversation,she had captured his imagination and he was hopelessly in love.)

(If you are captured by the enemy, you probably won't survive.)

To distribute or share, to pass around or give to others unselfishly.

One reason that company is successful, is that it has a profit sharing plan.

After the earthquake, the army came and distributed food and water to the survivors.

(Some of their profits were distributed to the most productive employees in the form of bonuses.)

(After the earthquake it was important for people to share their food and water to supplies  with the others.)

(Nobody wanted to share their supplies,so people started fighting.)

Eliminate, to get rid of, or dispose of.

Waste products must be eliminated from our bodies, or we will die.

Teams were eliminated from the competition when they lost too many games.

(One way to eliminate corruption is to punish those people who are corrupt.)



      本文标题:流利说L5U3P2-3:Verbs About Informat
