Should grandparents help bring u

Should grandparents help bring u

作者: corita66 | 来源:发表于2018-12-06 23:35 被阅读0次

    70% of children in Beijing, they are cared by a grandparent, and also 50% in Guangzhou. maternal grandparent, parental grandparent

    1. You should be nice to your parents,

    I'm gonna throw out a rather controversial opinion. 

    One of my oldest Chinese teachers told me that it's important to understand that every Chinese child has a natural enemy, other people's children. That child's family, they're doing quite well, they all have a nice house, car and all that nice stuff.  They push their kids to go get meet someone, to get married, to have children; if  the parents want all of these things, then it's fine they can then look after their kids when their children have to go and pay for all of those things. 

    2. the availability of child care which is extremely expensive and not necessarily everyone can afford it. Should one of us stay at home or arrange for grandparents to look after them? 

    3. It's based on Chinese traditional value. It's very hard for them to find a childcare center or a nursery. cost-effective, trust-worthy, mistreat or torture

    4. A grandparent is supervising a nanny or helper looking after the kid. That's why grandparents are so important for rearing kids. 

    5. A study by reputable social anthropologist Fei Xiaotong, almost 40 years ago....it's when the grandchildren are looked after by grandparents, that's when the middle generation, the grown-up kids think I owe my parents a big deal and I need to look after them when they grow older. That's the traditional way of how the household run here in China for years and years. 

    6. One of the interesting things that I notice in China is how active older people are in the community. 

    There is an issue of loneliness among older people. In some ways being able to spend time with their grandchildren , living with their children kind of resolve it in some way. 

    7. They're very career oriented. After retiring, they need a new project, need a new focus. 

    8. 啃老族: NEET, boomerang kid/child. 

    The boomerang child phenomenon has become a social problem on a nationalwide scale. 

    9. incur costs/expenses 

    10. that really showcase how infuriated the grandparents are. 

    11. I think that's the tricky part. Because there's a lot social pressure on young couple... start up a family often when they're in their mid to late twenties. You're not necessarily financially stable. 

    12. Most young people get married just because they think it's the right time. Maybe they're not fully prepared.

    13. social pressure. When you reach your twenties, you know your body is at possibly the optimal condition for reproduction. And there's biological clock thing, I hate that! It's like ticking time bomb. 

    14. It's very instructive because you can see the family dynamic where you might have young coupld young people who like each other which might be great, the parents might have a huge impact, maybe they're not responsible enough. If the parents want to interfere, then they have to show some responsibility. 

    15. I generally agree. I think having a child is huge responsibility.

    16. daycare facilities. square dacing, traveling 

    17. stay tuned

    18. informed opinions and heated debate 

    19. She's our entertainment reporter. She's very well researched. 

    20. Is the employer overstepping by counting my steps? I'd love to know more about this. 

    21. An unnamed employee was fined 100 yuan because she failed to meet the company's requirements of taking at least 180,000 steps a month. I took the liberty to do the calculation and that's about a 6400 steps a working day. Not too outrageous number.

    22. they can simply tie the pedometer onto the dog's neck and the dog is running around everyday. 

    23. you're forced to do sth. if you offer me reward rather than fine me, it will give me more motivation to do the steps. 

    24. I like to win competitions. Is it purely for the employees' health? Because if the employees sit on their butt all day, they're more likely to get sick and they're more likely to underperform. What the company is really trying to get at?

    25. I wonder if there're some jobs that are purely sedentary. 

    26. I think that's not the voluntary thing given as a punishment. It's really making walking part of their job. The company has no legal grant to judge employees' performance by the number of their steps.However if the worker has to do extra work at night, it can be counted as worktime. That could count as work injury. 

    27. Do you think the company overstepping a little bit in...

    28. incentive is always better than a punishment. so if they can change the strategy. 

    29. to address you question

    30. The real issue is the fact that punishing people rather than finding a way to reward people. I think that's the real issue. They try to drive cultural change beating people with a stick is not the most effective way.

    31. I don't know if this has detrimental effect on people's loyalty. look at a bigger picture. 

    32. Companies have social responsibility of taking after their employees. 996 companeis, so they expect their staff to work six days a week from 9am to 9pm. 

    If you want a productive employee...

    33. lucrative businesses, perks; they have 35 hour work week, 7 hours a working day. 

    34. what are we striving for as a society?

    25. There's a huge benefit to treat people like human beings. Treat them well and they perform well. You're acutally better off sending them home. You get cranky employees. Make sure that they work in reasonable conditions so people want to stay. 

    26. It seems like a increasingly attracitve language to Russian students. 

    27. scoring standard. 

    28. quantifiers, counting and classifying words 

    29. it's fascinating

    30. how do you inspire kids.... rewarding



          本文标题:Should grandparents help bring u
