CH6——Pigeonholing a Book 图书分类

CH6——Pigeonholing a Book 图书分类

作者: 简单书写11 | 来源:发表于2017-01-05 17:16 被阅读27次





    对照目录,我在脑子里过了一遍我看过的书,对应哪个类别。意识到一个很严肃的问题:我从没有书本分类的意识,也没有考虑过书本分类有什么益处。这个也与我前天反思的一致,读书太单一,无联系性。思前想后,仅有过的几次主题阅读(姑且算作主题阅读),大学时期迷恋清穿越小说,看了十几部清穿越小说。后来,在图书馆把从皇太极到爱新觉罗·溥仪的那套书看完了,还有看完了张爱玲的大部分小说。现在想来,我只是当做kill time了。作者在书本中也特别提到practical books 和 theoretical bboks的分类,如果没有看到这章,恐怕也会犯错误。想当然是最可怕的。


    1. 昨天的章节提到为啥读书容易犯困,因为你不是一个demanding reader, 今天读这章,中间还是犯困了,趴着睡了20多分钟,醒来后精神百倍。我在想或许我不是一个demanding reader,也有可能就是我真的困了。

    2. 昨天看到一个群友的笔记,受到启发,之前的笔记也是按照字,英文summary还有中文感谢的原则。记录是给自己做总结,但也希望能和别人一起分享,我看别人的笔记最先看的也是感悟部分。所以以后笔记顺序调整,不在局限于规则。

    3. 这本书的作者虽然有点啰嗦,但是我看的时候却不会觉得很难理解,也不像网上的读者说的,有点晦涩难懂。读起来还是蛮顺畅的,比预想的好很多。


    1. hardheaded : practical, shrewd, determined 脚踏实地的,顽固的。另外一个词hard-nosed。

    a hard-headed and shrewd businesswoman...务实、精明的女商人

    2. exhort(exhortation):to strongly encourage or try to persuade someone to do something:规劝,敦促,催促 SYN urge

    Police exhorted the crowd to remain calm.

    3. hortatory: trying to strongly encourage or persuade someone to do something 激励的,劝告的

    He delivered his speeches in a formal, hortatory style.


    1. Intelligent action depends on knowledge. Knowledge can be used in many ways, not only for controlling nature and inventing useful machines or instruments but also for directing human conduct and regulating man's operations in various fields of skil.


    2. To make knowledge practical we must convert it into the rules of operation.


    Chapter Six introduces the importance of pigeonholing a book and the first rule of analytical reading: to know what kind of book you are reading, which can be obtained from classifying a book. Besides, the author emphasizes the significance of the title of a book by illustrating some examples, which is also a signal to group a book. Some titles of books are rather confused and readers may not group them correctly. They should heed the information on the front matter, or read some pages.

    The author cpmares theoretical books with practical books, informing readers of distinction between them. Furthermore, the author introduces the kinds of theoreticla books.



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